- Signup for a reddit account.
- Select the "Are you a developer? Create an app button" Here.
- Give you program a name and a redirect URL(http://localhost).
- On the final screen note your client id and secret.
Create Account | Access Developer | Name | ID and secret |
- I chose to upload all of my data to Google Drive and train VIA Google Colab.
- The file I trained with on Colab is Train_Colab.ipynb
- After training you can download your PKL file and add it to the project.
- To run the bot you will need to install Pytorch.
- Make sure you have a 64 bit version of Python I would recomend 3.6 or above.
- Install the rest of the dependencies using...
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Then run reddit_Post.py and enter your reddit credentials.
- YouTube Clarity Coders
- Chat with me! Discord