
Golang auth system with GoFiber and SurrealDb 👌

Primary LanguageGo


Golang auth system with GoFiber and SurrealDb


In this project I wrote an authentication system using gofiber and surrealdb, you can use it by filling the requirements and use it as a reference for your projects.

Packages I used in the project

  • color - color library for console messages
  • go-fiber - http framework
  • surrealdb - database package
  • jwt - json webtoken
  • ini - configuration file manager


To install packages

 go mod tidy

SurrealDb download and launch

macos: brew install surrealdb/tap/surreal
linux: curl  -sSf https://install.surrealdb.com |  sh
windows: iwr https://windows.surrealdb.com -useb  | iex

Start Command: surreal start --user root --pass root


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