The main reason why I created this Docker image is because I want to use it for my local smart-contracts development work. Since I'm using testrpc/Ganache, it's not possible for me to use because MEW wants HTTPS RPC URL and I don't want to spend more time figuring out how to do SSL for my testrpc/Ganache that runs locally.
Since MEW supports Custom Network, we can run and use it locally to connect to our testrpc/Ganache which also runs locally. Problem solved.
This is how it looks:
And, I can see my cat tokens now! 😻
P/S: That CAT
token is just a toy token which I developed to proof here that MEW is a good tool for smart-contracts development especially if you are dealing with tokens.
$ docker build --build-arg MEW_VERSION=X.X.X.X -t zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:vX.X.X.X .
$ docker build --build-arg MEW_VERSION= -t zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1 .
For example, how to tag zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1
above to zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:latest
$ docker tag zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:latest
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:vTHE_TAG_THAT_YOU_GAVE_FOR_THE_IMAGE_ABOVE
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1
Your MEW will be available at http://localhost:8888/
This is the fastest way for you to get started actually.
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:latest
Please check here.
Looks like this only works on Chrome browser. Not quite sure why it stopped working on Firefox browser.
ETH and ERC20 tokens are welcome: 0xA5B0c1d99D4153F5398544d2eA1303Bdc73a012D