
DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/zulhfreelancer/mew_docker/tags/

Primary LanguageDockerfile

MyEtherWallet (MEW) Docker

The main reason why I created this Docker image is because I want to use it for my local smart-contracts development work. Since I'm using testrpc/Ganache, it's not possible for me to use myetherwallet.com because MEW wants HTTPS RPC URL and I don't want to spend more time figuring out how to do SSL for my testrpc/Ganache that runs locally.

Since MEW supports Custom Network, we can run and use it locally to connect to our testrpc/Ganache which also runs locally. Problem solved.

This is how it looks:

And, I can see my cat tokens now! 😻

P/S: That CAT token is just a toy token which I developed to proof here that MEW is a good tool for smart-contracts development especially if you are dealing with tokens.

How to build the image with custom MEW version?

$ docker build --build-arg MEW_VERSION=X.X.X.X -t zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:vX.X.X.X .


$ docker build --build-arg MEW_VERSION= -t zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1 .

How to assign more tag to the Docker image?

For example, how to tag zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1 above to zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:latest?

$ docker tag zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:latest

How to run it locally?

$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:vTHE_TAG_THAT_YOU_GAVE_FOR_THE_IMAGE_ABOVE


$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:v3.11.3.1

Your MEW will be available at http://localhost:8888/

How to get the latest Docker image from DockerHub without building the image?

This is the fastest way for you to get started actually.

$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 zulhfreelancer/mew_docker:latest

Where to get the available MEW version?

Please check here.

Update on 28 May 2019

Looks like this only works on Chrome browser. Not quite sure why it stopped working on Firefox browser.

Buy me a cup of tea

ETH and ERC20 tokens are welcome: 0xA5B0c1d99D4153F5398544d2eA1303Bdc73a012D