
Simple Coding Test for AIA Nodejs Fullstack Engineer (Frontend)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Simple Coding Test for AIA Nodejs Fullstack Engineer (Frontend Repo)

What will you do, in general?

  1. Create a simple frontend that can read API from backend and display it to user.
  2. Create a simple backend that can read external API feed and serve it to frontend when called.
  3. Create unit testing for each of your app so it will survive changes.
  4. Deploy your application on a simple stack that's available to the public, like EC2 instance, your private server, or local kubernetes.

What we are expecting?

  1. Good code understanding and expertise on using efficient method to solve problems.
  2. Good source control usage (using Git!)
  3. Practical use of tools available to you.

What stack should you use?

  1. For backend, we expect you to use nodejs or expressjs that supports RESTful API.
  2. For frontend, we expect you to use ReactJS. Use whatever framework you are comfortable with, or don't use any at all. It's all depend on your preferences, really!
  3. Use any type of unit testing you are comfortable with.
  4. Use Material-UI or Bootstrap to enhance the display of the app.

Details, details.

  1. Get the everchanging public image list from Flickr public feed. You can check the documentation from this API Doc.
  2. Use a public github repository to put your code. If you don't have one, just make one! Also, make use of good source versioning. Commit often, and commit meaningfully.
  3. Bonus point if you can implement tag searching on the image. Just a simple search box with OK button will do!
  4. Another bonus point if you automatically load the image list one at a time, and implement paging.
  5. Deployment is optional. If you can't deploy your code, it's okay! Just make sure that you can demo it to us when we do the interview.

So, what should you do?

Use your creativity, and be unique. Do what you can do on this test! Don't worry if it's not perfect, we learn along the way!

-Fiorina Skyla Liberta-