
A github repository for data engineering.

ARIMA model air pollution analysis.

Machine learning glossary.

Home of the first website.

Convert csv to json.

Deploy Dash application on heroku

JavaScript online editors

How to read DICOM files in Java

Image processing python

Pytorch Object detection

Tidy Data in python

User agent

Dash core components



Data Engineering tools

The rise of data engineering commons skills and tools

Data engineering 101 top tools and framework resources

This infographic of big data tools will blow your mind

Big data open source tools

Predictive Analytics for Business Nanodegree

Menpo conda packagaes

Topic Modelling

Track tweets location using Kafka Producers

Topic Modelling for humans: gensim

Method of evaluation of Topic Modeling 1

Method of valuation of Topic Modeling 2

Sample Machine Learning Projects

Big data architecture for health care systems

Data lakes

Microsoft SQL Server