This is a repository of some important URLs/websites that I found helpful while working on my projects.
- Quantitative Economics with Python
- Repo for all the udemy pandas course material
- The power of introspection
- Detect eyes, nose, lips, nose and jaws using OpenCV
- Machine learning is fun
- Oreilly computer vision
- Face_recognition github
- Opencv
- OpenFace
- Opencv_contrib-haarcascades
- conda-environments-not-showing-up-in-jupyter-notebook
- Install dlib on ubuntu from @learnopencv
- Switch python default version
- LearnOpenCV github repo
- Flip image opencv
- Detect ear opencv
- Set up and deploy an R Shiny application
- Install tensorflow 1.13 on ubuntu-18.04
- Dlib trained models
- Shiny Application
- Labeled Face Parts in the wild dataset
- Remove kernel on jupyter notebook
- Proxy files for Ubuntu
- Encyclopedia of Biometrics
- Menpo Notebooks
- Pytorch deep learning Face frontalisation
- Nvidia Data Loading Library-DALI
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Research gate
- Science Direct
- Pubmed/MEDLINE Database
- Cochrane Database
- Design for color blind 1
- Design for color blind 2
- Design for color blind 3
- Color Palette generator 1
- Color Palette generator 2
- PCA on faces
- Three ways to annotate your graph
- Tweeter API
- Flask tutorial
- Deep learning with Pytorch: a post on medium
- Matrix calculator
- Convolutional Network for sentence classifictation
- Summary of face detection techniques
- Digitized landmarking tools
- Critical points of a two variables function
- Radius of convergence of a power series
- Introduction to epidemiolgy with R code
- MongoDB:query array of documents
- Human Metabolome Database
- Colab google sharing google machine learning notebooks
- Floydhub: build, train, and deploy deep learning models
- P-values explained on towardsdatascience
- How to install and run kafka
- Change the computer's name in elementary OS
- How can I mount my iphone on ubuntu
- Harvard Magazine: Artificial Intelligence limitations
- Data of Pandas training on Udemy
- List of Python API wrappers eg Facebook, googlesheet etc
- Install elasticsearch-logstash-kibana
- Whatsapp play
- Crontab $ Linux administration
- Symbols to serve as LinkedIn bullets