I'm zuly, just a simple bot to discord!
Hi! I'm zuly, a 100% Brazilian bot focused on anime for otakus!
We are not responsible for any mistakes made by you.
- Install nodejs 14 or higher. You can download and install here: https://nodejs.org
- Rename all name.example.js files to name.js
⚙️ config.js
// config.js
module.exports = {
token: 'you discord bot token',
client: {
id: 'you discord bot id',
secret: 'you discord bot secret'
deployslash: true, // set this to true if you want to create slash-commands and false if you just want to update.
deploy: 'yes', // if this is how it is, it won't do any updates to slash-commands
mongodb: 'you mongodb url https://mongodb.com/',
prefix: ['bot-prefixes', 'bot-prefixes']
🎵 nodes.json
// nodes.js
module.exports = [{
name: 'node-name', // can be anyone
host: 'localhost', // your lavalink ip, or if it is with your bot, localhost
port: 2333, // your lavalink port, by default 2333
password: 'youshallnotpass' // lavalink password, by default youshallnotpass
- Install the packages:
- Start the bot:
yarn start
And done, your own version of zuly online!
Ah! So you would like to contribute to my repository, right? Great! We love new contributors who help us!
- Fork this repository and make your desired changes
- Once they're done, make a pull request to the master branch if you are contributing to the new version or the master branch if you are contributing to the stable and running version
Of course we do not support only English. We're looking to expand to a variety of new languages and for such thing we need your help! We are now working with Crowdin. Please check out our Crowdin repo!
If you have any problems, pleas open a Issue or contact us
- Thanks www.openode.io for the hosting!
Official Website: