
Super easy AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.

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AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.

Start from v1.1.0, angular-easyfb adds support for Facebook Platform versioning.

Please check out the new FB JS SDK setup doc if you want to switch platform versions (module default is v2.6).


  • Full Facebook JavaScript SDK support
  • Seamless FB SDK initialization (asynchronously load script and FB.init)
  • All SDK API callbacks are automatically applied with AngularJS context
  • Support both callback and $q promise
  • Provide built-in directive support for Facebook XFBML plugins


Getting started

Include the angular-easyfb module with AngularJS script in your page.

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.3/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://pc035860.github.io/angular-easyfb/angular-easyfb.min.js"></script>

Add ezfb to your app module's dependency.

angular.module('myApp', ['ezfb']);

Install with npm

npm install angular-easyfb

Install with Bower

bower install angular-easyfb


ezfb service


getLocale / setLocale

Configure the locale of the original FB script file. Default locale is en_US.


.config(function (ezfbProvider) {
getInitParams / setInitParams

Configure parameters for the original FB.init with ezfbProvider.setInitParams. (See also ezfb.init)


.config(function (ezfbProvider) {
    // This is my FB app id for plunker demo app
    appId: '386469651480295',

    // Module default is `v2.6`.
    // If you want to use Facebook platform `v2.3`, you'll have to add the following parameter.
    // https://developers.facebook.com/docs/javascript/reference/FB.init
    version: 'v2.3'
getInitFunction / setInitFunction

Customize the original FB.init function call with services injection support. The initialization parameters set in setInitParams are available via local injection ezfbInitParams.

// Default init function
var _defaultInitFunction = ['$window', 'ezfbInitParams', function ($window, ezfbInitParams) {
  // Initialize the FB JS SDK

Customization example:


.config(function (ezfbProvider) {
  var myInitFunction = function ($window, $rootScope, ezfbInitParams) {
      appId: '386469651480295'
    // or
    // $window.FB.init(ezfbInitParams);


getLoadSDKFunction / setLoadSDKFunction

Customize Facebook JS SDK loading. The function also supports DI, with two more local injections:

  • ezfbLocale - locale name
  • ezfbAsyncInit - must called to finish the module initialization process
// Default load SDK function
var _defaultLoadSDKFunction = [
         '$window', '$document', 'ezfbAsyncInit', 'ezfbLocale',
function ($window,   $document,   ezfbAsyncInit,   ezfbLocale) {
  // Load the SDK's source Asynchronously
    var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk', ref = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
    js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true;
    js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/" + ezfbLocale + "/sdk.js";
    // js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/" + ezfbLocale + "/sdk/debug.js";  // debug
    ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref);

  $window.fbAsyncInit = ezfbAsyncInit;

Customization example:


.config(function (ezfbProvider) {
  // Feasible config if the FB JS SDK script is already loaded
  ezfbProvider.setLoadSDKFunction(function (ezfbAsyncInit) {


In the case that you don't want to(or you can't) configure your FB.init parameters in configuration phase, you may use ezfb.init in run phase. And any ezfb API call will not run until ezfb.init is called.


.run(function (ezfb) {
    // This is my FB app id for plunker demo app
    appId: '386469651480295'

using ezfb

This is the original FB wrapping service, all FB.* APIs are available through ezfb.*.

No need to worry about FB script loading and Angular context applying at all.


 * Inject into controller
.controller('MainCtrl', function (ezfb) {
   * Origin: FB.getLoginStatus
  ezfb.getLoginStatus(function (res) {
    $scope.loginStatus = res;

    (more || angular.noop)();

   * Origin: FB.api
  ezfb.api('/me', function (res) {
    $scope.apiMe = res;

Watch the demo to see it in action.

$q promise support

Support of $q promise create more possibility for ezfb service.

Only the APIs with callback support returning promise.

Combine multiple api calls
.then(function (rsvList) {
  // result of api('/me')

  // result of api('/me/likes')

Watch the promise version api demo to see it in action.

Social plugins support

Facebook Social Plugins are now supported with built-in directives.

The code copied from the above link will automatically work in angular-easyfb-covered AngularJS apps.

Additionally, you can add an onrender parameter to the social plugin directive. Expressions in the onrender parameter will be evaluated every time the social plugin gets rendered.

<div class="fb-like" onrender="fbLikeRendered()"

Demo (directives demonstration)

Demo2 (interpolated attributes)


See the changelog here.


angular-easyfb uses Grunt to run all the development tasks.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins.

angular-easyfb also uses Bower to manage packages for tests.


After cloning the git repo to your place, simply run following commands to install required packages.

npm install
bower install


Generate a minified js file after running all the tests.


Running tests

Unit tests:

grunt test:unit

Test coverage:

grunt coverage