Mac OS Install | Linux Instructions | Extra
Initial setup needs to download several hundred MBs. After the base vms and containers have been cached future setups should take only a few seconds.
Currently docker isn't nativly supported in Mac OS so we will run a VM layer to get the container up and running
## Mac (tested on mavericks)You will need to have vagrant, virtualbox and curl installed
Create and empty directory and run the following command in terminal:
$ curl > Vagrantfile
then cd within the directory
$ vagrant up
This should take a few minutes since it's downloading a VM
$ vagrant ssh
Then install git and curl on the VM:
$ sudo apt-get install curl git
Now continue on to the linux instructions
## LinuxIf you are on ubuntu make sure you install docker via the instructions on their website. If you are on mac os this has already been taken care of in the vagrant VM
clone my git repo:
$ git clone
now build the docker container with a tag. This may take a few minutes initially.
$ sudo docker build -t <your username>/django-docker django_docker_foundation_template
Running the container
$ sudo docker run -d -p :8000 <your username>/django-docker
If you go to a browser window and navigate to localhost:8080 you should see hello world
## ExtraIn the vagrantfile I have setup port forwarding from the VM to your local machine for 8080. Notice at the end of the vagrant file you will see this set up:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "forwarded_port", guest: 8000, host: 8080,
auto_correct: true
You can get your containers ip address
$ sudo docker inspect <container_id> | grep IPAddress