
Analyzing voting results.

Primary LanguagePython

Vote Counting - PyPoll


The Python script main.py analyzes the votes from the dataset Resources/election_data.csv and calculates each of the following:

  • The total number of votes cast

  • A complete list of candidates who received votes

  • he percentage of votes each candidate won

  • The total number of votes each candidate won

  • The winner of the election based on popular vote

In addition, the script prints the analysis to the terminal and saves to a text file election_results.txt:

Election Results
Total Votes: 3521001
Khan: 63.000% (2218231)
Correy: 20.000% (704200)
Li: 14.000% (492940)
O'Tooley: 3.000% (105630)
Winner: Khan

By default, the script uses Python lists:

# Toggle which scripts to run (1 to run, 0 to skip)
usingLists = 1
usingDicts = 0

To use dictionaries, update the script:

usingLists = 0
usingDicts = 1

save it and rerun it.

Tools / Techniques Used:

  • Python

About Data

The dataset Resources/election_data.csv contains a set of poll data.

  • Number of records: 3,521,001
  • Columns:
    • Voter ID
    • County
    • Candidate

NOTE: The file Resources/election_data.csv is 68.26 MB; this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB and because of that I zipped the file. Before running the script, the file should be unzipped.