
One click guide to create and mint NFT on Eclipse Mainnet Beta or on Eclipse Testnet

Primary LanguageTypeScript

One click guide to create and mint NFT on Eclipse Mainnet or Testnet


  • Gas fee needed for paying gas fee, if you don't have any gas fee then use this : Mainnet Bridge or Testnet Bridge

  • You need to have API_KEY & API_SECRET, to get this API and SECRET, Visit this site, Register using email address and then click on the 3 line in the left corner, a side bar will open, here u will see API KEYS section , click on it and copy API_KEY and API_SECRET, Save it somewhere, it will be required in the middle of the code

  • You can use any linux based terminal, for example, Codespace , Gitpod , Ubuntu on Windows as well as on VPS


  • Use this command to start the script
[ -f "eclipsenft.sh" ] && rm eclipsenft.sh; wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zunxbt/Eclipse-NFT/main/eclipsenft.sh && chmod +x eclipsenft.sh && ./eclipsenft.sh
  • There are 6 sections, you should start running one by one

  • If you want to mint unlimited time, u just need to run 1 to 4 commands one by one only 1 time after that u can enter 5 again and again to mint and create unlimited time