
Extended from html-webpack-plugin, support stylesheet and script file inline to html and tag add attributes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Extended from html-webpack-plugin, support stylesheet and script file inline to html and tag add attributes


npm install --save-dev html-extend-webpack-plugin

Extended from html-webpack-plugin Configuration

You can pass a hash of configuration options to HtmlWebpackPlugin. Allowed values are as follows:

  • title: The title to use for the generated HTML document.
  • filename: The file to write the HTML to. Defaults to index.html. You can specify a subdirectory here too (eg: assets/admin.html).
  • template: Webpack require path to the template. Please see the docs for details.
  • inject: true | 'head' | 'body' | false Inject all assets into the given template or templateContent - When passing true or 'body' all javascript resources will be placed at the bottom of the body element. 'head' will place the scripts in the head element.
  • favicon: Adds the given favicon path to the output html.
  • minify: {...} | false Pass a html-minifier options object to minify the output.
  • hash: true | false if true then append a unique webpack compilation hash to all included scripts and CSS files. This is useful for cache busting.
  • cache: true | false if true (default) try to emit the file only if it was changed.
  • showErrors: true | false if true (default) errors details will be written into the html page.
  • chunks: Allows you to add only some chunks (e.g. only the unit-test chunk)
  • chunksExtend: object extend chunks, support inline stylesheet and script, can add external attributes
  • chunksSortMode: Allows to control how chunks should be sorted before they are included to the html. Allowed values: 'none' | 'auto' | 'dependency' | {function} - default: 'auto'
  • excludeChunks: Allows you to skip some chunks (e.g. don't add the unit-test chunk)
  • xhtml: true | false If true render the link tags as self-closing, XHTML compliant. Default is false

Here's an example webpack config illustrating how to use these options:

const CommonsChunkPlugin = require("webpack/lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
const HtmlExtendWebpackPlugin = require('html-extend-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new CommonsChunkPlugin({
            name: 'common',
            filename: 'static/js/common.js',
            minChunks: 2
        new HtmlExtendWebpackPlugin({
            inject: true,
            template: './src/jzwd/ksmap01/ksmap01.html',
            chunks: ['common', 'ksmap01'],
            chunksExtend: {
                ksmap01: {
                    stylesheet: {
                        inline: true,
                        attrs: {
                            id: 'miniStyle'
                    script: {
                        inline: true,
                        attrs: {
                            id: 'miniScript'
            filename: 'ksmap01.html',
        new ExtractTextPlugin('static/css/[name].css')

You can also add stylesheet placehodler and javascript placehoder to your template as follows:

<div class="container">
    <input type="text" id="date_start">
    <span style="margin: 0 10px">-</span>
    <input type="text" id="date_end">

The result after compile it:

<div class="container">
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/common.css">
    <style type="text/css">
    .sd-datepicker {
        display: none;
        width: 193px;
        padding: 0 5px 5px;
        z-index: 12;
        color: #bbb;
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
        border-radius: 2px;
        background: #fff;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 5px #d9d9d9;
    <input type="text" id="date_start">
    <span style="margin: 0 10px">-</span>
    <input type="text" id="date_end">
    <script src="static/js/common.js"></script>
    <script asyn="true">
    webpackJsonp([0], {

            function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

            'use strict';


            __webpack_require__.e /* nsure */ (1, function(require) {
                var DatePicker = __webpack_require__(8);

                var dateStart = new DatePicker('#date_start');
                var dateEnd = new DatePicker('#date_end');


            function(module, exports) {

            // removed by extract-text-webpack-plugin



The inline stylesheet priority: CSS_PLACEHOLDER > </head> > no </head> The inline script priority: JS_PLACEHOLDER > </body> > no </body>