both to support auto animate a item to center.
A vertical LayoutManager only layout specified items with the some Gap.
PaddingLayoutManager layoutManager = new PaddingLayoutManager(this,visibled);
if you want run animation to your centerview,you just make you ViewHolder implements OnCenterProximityListener,just like this:
class SimpleCardHolder extends RecyclerCardView.ViewHolder implements OnCenterProximityListener{...}
A vertical/horizonal list with one item on center and others evenly distributed up and down.
dependencies {
// jCenter
compile 'com.vivifarm.view:RecyclerCardView:1.4.0'
boolean vImg = false;//true to vertical demo
recyclerView = (RecyclerCardView) findViewById(;
final CardLinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new CardLinearLayoutManager(this,
vImg? RecyclerCardView.VERTICAL : RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL,false);
SampleCardAdapter sampleCardAdapter = new SampleCardAdapter(recyclerView,3,vImg ? 0:60)
cardSnapHelper = new LinearSnapHelper();
public CardAdapter(RecyclerView recyclerView,int visibleCount,int minNap){
- visibleCount: number of visible, not support value 2.
- minNap : min value of both padding.(left and right or top and bottom).
class SimpleCardHolder extends RecyclerCardView.CardHolder<CardItem> implements RecyclerCardView.OnCenterProximityListener{
public void onCenterPosition(boolean animate) {
public void onNonCenterPosition(boolean animate) {
- your CardHolder can implement OnCenterProximityListener and do you animation on onCenterPosition,onNonCenterPosition.