
RockOnLinux is a set of fixes, scripts, and patches for music creation related software

File structure

Status (top level)

Here you will find a few folders

  • working
  • untested
  • broken

These are mostly self explainatory.

Maintaince (second level)

Each of these is under a status folder (working, untested, or broken).

There are a couple folders here:

  • active
  • semiactive
  • semidead
  • dead

These represent how often we maintain the content within. active is usually kept up-to-date with the latest software versions and is actively updated. semiactive might be out-of-date, but is still somewhat actively updated. semidead is likely out-of-date, but may get poked every once in a while. Finally, dead is an archive of things that we don't work on anymore.

Source (third level)

Contained under the official folders, you can find software officially supported by RockOnLinux software and how to use it. It will almost always be verified to work.

Things under the community folder may work, and may be updated by RockOnLinux, but is not guarenteed to work. These things may get moved to the official folders once we test them.

Current project status (last updated 12th of October, 2023)

Ableton Live guide is on the way.