
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Reimplementation of the GoldSrc engine


WIP. My goal is to get Cry of Fear running, since that's the only GoldSrc game I own (due to it being free)


Just follow Wine's Clean Room Guidelines and you should be (legally) fine

(Re)generating include/halflife and the src directory structure

You really shouldn't, as we modify Valve's header files to be able to work with our directory structure

Run tree -dfi --noreport . | awk 'system("mkdir /path/to/silver/include/halflife/" $0)' && tree --noreport -fi . | awk '/\.h$/ { system("cp " $0 " /path/to/silver/include/halflife/" $0) }' while in halflife's root directory. awk is used due to me not knowing of a better way, but I'm sure there is.

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. - Jamie Zawinski

The same could probably be said for awk, but oh well.

You can also use the first half to generate the directory structure for src: tree -dfi --noreport . | awk 'system("mkdir /path/to/silver/src/" $0)', which is how I did it. As with before, you need to be in the include/halflife directory.