Book API

This is a simple Web API for Books implemented in Golang. It provides RESTful endpoints for CRUD operations on book resources.


  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD): Perform basic CRUD operations on book resources.


  • Get All Books: GET /api/books
  • Get a Single Book: GET /api/books/{id}
  • Create a Book: POST /api/books
  • Update a Book: PUT /api/books/{id}
  • Delete a Book: DELETE /api/books/{id}

Technologies Used

  • Golang: Backend implementation.
  • Gorilla Mux: Routing and HTTP request handling.
  • UUID: Generating unique identifiers.

How to Run

  1. Ensure Go v1.22.2 is installed.
  2. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  3. Install dependencies:
    go mod download
  4. Start the server:
    go run main.go
  5. The server will be running on port 8000.


GET /api/books

Returns a collection of all books recorded in the system.

GET /api/books/{id}

Returns data for a single book by the given identifier.

POST /api/books

Creates a new book.

PUT /api/books/{id}

Updates the information for an already added book in the database.

DELETE /api/books/{id}

Deletes a book by identifier.