
Material for the Text Analysis of Arabic course taught at the NYU Abu Dhabi Winter Institute in Digital Humanities 2020.

Winter Institute in Digital Humanities 2020 - Text Analysis of Arabic

This repository contains material for the Text Analysis of Arabic course taught at the NYU Abu Dhabi Winter Institute in Digital Humanities 2020. Below are instructions on how to setup the working environment used in this course. We will be using Jupyter Lab as our programming environment as well as the CAMeL Tools Python library and the MADAMIRA command-line tools.

Installing Pre-requisites

We assume Python 3.5+ and Java 8 are installed on your machine.

To install Jupyter Lab and CAMeL Tools, run the following command in a terminal window:

pip install jupyterlab camel-tools

To install MADAMIRA, please follow the MADAMIRA installation instructions.

Running Jupyter Lab

Download the zip archive for this repository from GitHub and unzip it, or, clone the repository using git by running in a terminal window:

git clone https://github.com/CAMeL-Lab/WIDH_2020_Arabic_Text_Analysis.git

Then, navigate to the project directory:

cd /path/to/WIDH_2020_Arabic_Text_Analysis

Finally, start Jupyter Lab by running:

jupyter lab