
Dockerfiles, compositions and related assets to setup Vamp with Docker

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains a number of Dockerfile files and docker-compose.yml to help setup Vamp in different situations. They should run anywhere Docker runs, but most situations will probably be on your laptop. Probably a recent Macbook.


  1. You should have Docker installed which, on a Macbook with OSX, means Boot2Docker and its dependencies.

  2. For Docker compositions, you should have Docker compose installed. Luckily, that's a two-liner:

     curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.1.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
     chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  3. Some patience, as some of the container are somewhat big due to Java dependencies.

  4. You are most probably on Github. You should have git.

Run it

If you have the prerequisites sorted, pick the thing you want to do...

Option 1: Run Vamp on Docker

This setup will run Vamp inside a Docker container with Vamp's Docker driver. This allows you to test drive Vamp really easily.

A typical command on Macbook running Boot2Docker would be:

docker run --net=host -v /Users/tim/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm:/certs -e "DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1" -e "DOCKER_HOST=tcp://`boot2docker ip`:2376" -e "DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/certs" magneticio/vamp-docker:latest

Please notice the mounting (-v /Users/tim/...) of the boot2docker certificates. Please set this to your specific environment. You can get this info by running boot2docker config.

If you don't use Boot2Docker, set the DOCKER_HOST variable to whatever is relevant to your system.

Option 2: Run Vamp with a Mesos and Marathon cluster

git clone https://github.com/magneticio/vamp-docker.git && cd vamp-docker/docker-compositions/vamp-marathon-mesos/ && docker-compose up    

Note 1: grab a coffee while everything gets installed on the first run. Note 2: This runs all of Vamp's components in one container. This is not ideal, but works fine for testing stuff out.

Option 3: Build the all-in-one Vamp container, run it with an external Mesos/Marathon

git clone https://github.com/magneticio/vamp-docker.git && docker build -t my_vamp_image vamp-docker/dockerfiles/vamp-mesosphere/    

With this image, you should provide the Marathon endpoint on startup by setting the VAMP_MARATHON_URL enviroment variable, like this:

docker run -i -t -p 81:80 -p 8081:8080 -p 10002:10001 -p 8084:8083 -e VAMP_MARATHON_URL= my_vamp_image