
wind power forecast using deep learning approach

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Wind Power Prediction


Overall Objective: wind power forecast using deep learning approach.

Clone the project

Due to submodules, you should recursively clone the project.

    git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 git@github.com:zutsusemi/wind-power-forecast.git


  1. Make sure GPU is avaible and CUDA>=11.0 has been installed on your computer. You can check it with
  2. Simply create an virtural environment with python>=3.8 and run pip install -r requirements.txt to download the required packages. If you use anaconda3 or miniconda, you can run following instructions to download the required packages in python.
        conda create -y -n forecast python=3.8
        conda activate forecast
        pip install pip --upgrade
        pip install -r requirements.txt
        conda activate forecast
        conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

Git Usage

Here are some simple instructions about how to use Git.

  1. If you want to download the whole project, run following command.
    git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 git@github.com:zutsusemi/wind-power-forecast.git
  1. If you want add files to our local git project and remote git project on github, run following command.
    # Firstly, plz avoid adding files to master branch on github directly. You can create your own branch locally and remotely.

    git branch zzp1012 # create my local branch. Here I name the branch as 'zzp1012'. If you have already created a branch, you can jump to next command.

    git checkout zzp1012 # switch to 'zzp1012' branch.

    git add * # add all the files to local branch 'zzp1012'.

    git commit -m "update" # confirm to add files to local branch 'zzp1012'

    git push origin zzp1012 # create branch 'zzp1012' remotely on github and copy your the content on your local branch 'zzp1012' to the remote 'zzp1012'.
  1. If you want to synchronize files on remote project on github, you should run:
    git pull origin master # synchronize files on remote master branch.
    git pull origin "you branch name" # the 'master' can be replaced by the name of the other branch created on remote project on github, then you can synchronize files on the specific remote branch.


if you would like to contribute some codes, please submit a PR, and feel free to post issues via Github.


Please contact zzp1012@sjtu.edu.cn or 1478752942@qq.com if you have any question on the codes.

UM-SJTU Joint Institute 交大密西根学院