
Sharding of golang's built in map for better concurrency and performance

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Golangs built in map sharded!

For better concurrency.

The whole point of this project was to assist me in a scenario where map access I/O became a bottleneck.

( godoc: https://godoc.org/github.com/zutto/shardedmap )

1. Installation

go get github.com/zutto/shardedmap

2. Usage

Intialization is easy as:

shardmap := shardedmap.NewShardMap(24)

Wondering what that 24 is? It's the amount of 'shards' shardedmap should initialize. General rule of thumb: Lower your I/O is, the less shards you need. Each shard holds their own mutex lock for rwd access.

Adding item to shardmap
type demo struct {
   str1 string
   str2 string

var data interface{} = demo{"Hello", "World"}

shardmap.Set("I am a string key", &data)

Input data type is interface{}, key datatype is always a string.

Reading items from shardmap
retrievedData := shardmap.Get("I am a string key")

Deleting items from shardmap

shardmap.Delete("I am a string key")
for more documentation, please look at godoc or the source code!

3. Performance

There are benchmarks comparing normal map vs shardedmap included in the shardmap_test.go file. Generally, shardedmap only becomes faster the more I/O you require, and amount of shards you are willing to create. Also, don't forget that slices exist! use slices if you can!!

Heres the benchmarks, i ran them on t460p laptop w/i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz. Your mileage may vary, and the performance difference is best seen

$ go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/zutto/shardedmap
BenchmarkShardedMapWrite-8               1000000              2047 ns/op
BenchmarkShardedMapRead-8                1000000              1218 ns/op
BenchmarkShardedMapWR-8                   500000              3197 ns/op
BenchmarkShardedMapWRForceGet-8           300000              4242 ns/op
BenchmarkShardedMapDel-8                 1000000              1420 ns/op
BenchmarkPlainMapWrite-8                  500000              5481 ns/op
BenchmarkPlainMapRead-8                  1000000              2363 ns/op
BenchmarkPlainMapDel-8                    500000              4518 ns/op

Shards are stored in a slice. The slice where your data is added to is computed by djbhash - djbhash is dubbed as:

"It is one of the most efficient hash functions ever published."

Djbhash is very simple and insecure hash, its sole purpose is to split the I/O access across the shards, thus why fast hashing function was deemed necessary.

4. Limitations

Limitations mainly come from golangs std rwmutex & slices & maps. If you find more limitations in this project, do please let me know!



  • license
  • documentation & readme
  • clean the code
  • more tests?
  • better error handling graceful error handling to be done.
  • look for more entrypoints for fuzzing
  • documentation & readme of the sub-libraries (shardreduce & shardquest)

This project is licensed under MIT license.

Also if you use shardedmap somewhere, I would be delighted to hear about it!

Support available via issues, enterprise support available upon request.