
Tool for searching IT jobs in Berlin

Primary LanguageGo


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                                     _/ |                            


jobber is a CLI tool for searching tech jobs in Berlin area. Stop browsing and let jobber do the work for you. After install, the tool will search for jobs on StackOverflow and berlinstartupjobs.com based on your preferences. Once it finds a new job it will send you an e-mail.


Go should be installed and set up on your system. Tested with version go1.7.1

SQLite must be installed on your system. This version was tested with sqlite3.

You should have a mailgun account. You can set-up a free account there and just use the sandbox credentials. It should be enough for the jobs you'll get in your inbox(max 10.000 mails per month).


  • Prepare the executable
$ go get github.com/zuzuleinen/jobber
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/zuzuleinen/jobber/
$ go install
$ jobber install
$ jobber

Set up the cron job

You need to set up a new cron job for jobber to run. In your shell, run:

crontab -e

add this line(replace with your own path):

*/30 * * * * /home/andrei/Projects/bin/jobber search

This will make jobber search a new job for you every 30 minutes.


    jobber <command> [option]
    jobber search --show

List of commands:
  install:        Interactive project install
  uninstall:      Remove sqlite database from home directory
  search:         Search for new jobs and send e-mail if any

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  -s --show         Display output when using 'jobber search'

Questions or suggestions

If you encounter a problem feel free to open an issue or send me an e-mail at andrey.boar[at]gmail.com