
Yatzy simulation

Primary LanguageC#


Having read about half of the OOAD book, I decided to do an exercise in OO design. Modeling Yatzy and running the simulation was of just about the right size, while simultaneously exercising all of:

  • modeling different entities,
  • using mutable state,
  • advantageous use of inheritance,
  • advantageous use of unittesting,
  • opportunities for parallelization, profiling & optimization,
  • opportunity to play with COM components (instead of shuffling data via text files).

The solution is built with VS 2013 & Office 2013 and consists of the following projects:

A self-contained library modeling the abstract game rules, dice and scoring. It also implements a forced rule game. Since the goal of the exercise was practicing OO design, I have not dwelled too much over scoring of corner-cases (e.g., whether full house also could count as two pairs).
A set of unittests. This project needs VS to run as it uses its unittesting framework.

Beginnings of a command-line simulation program. I ended up using it only for performance measurements.

I abandoned in favor ExcelYatzy because it's totally pointless to use intermediate text file for transfering data to Excel when data can be fed to it programatically. This approach has also spared me a lot of time because VS launched Excel automatically, so I didn't need to import a text file manually into Excel each time I ran the simulation.

Interactive simulation. This project needs both VS, Office 2013, and VSTO installed to run.


As the Git history shows, I've had a lot of refactorings and design changes. Here, I will describe the major considerations leading to the current design.


The first abstraction that comes to mind are the values of the 5 dice. At first I only considered storing values, but after a lot of thinking, I came to the conclusion that position evaluation (e.g., do dice score to a "full house"?) is most easily done by inspecting count of each value. For example, the count representation of dice values {4, 3, 1, 4, 4} is [(1, 1), (3, 1), (4, 3)}. Internally, an array of 7 integers is used to represent the count for each value.

The first question was: who owns the values and counts arrays? The DiceState class must keep consistent the two views of its data (values and counts), so any silent change to the underlying raw data must be prohibited. Thus I decided to make it the sole owner of both views, and keep the two internal arrays private. The class exposed its state through Counts and Values, which were a ReadOnlyCollection of integers.

The next question was how to set the state when the raw data is private? I decided to make DiceState a base class and define a protected method SetState(Action<int[]> setter) which subclasses would call to set the actual state. The delegate would be passed an unrelated array to fill in the new state, and SetState would then perform some consistency checks (in debug mode only) before copying the new state into the actual state.

I thought it was a quite good OO design, with protection of private data and controlled updates. However, I had to give it up in favor of the current design when I realized that the simulation was running dog-slow, with more than 30% of the total runnint time spent in the copying part of SetState. To eliminate copying, I had to give up on the goal of preventing uncrontolled changes to the actual state. So the Values and Counts got public setters which only copied the reference to the passed array. The caller can now do the following to make counts and values unsynchronized:

DiceState dice = new DiceState();
int[] values = new int[]{1, 1, 1, 3, 5};
dice.Values = values;                                 // invalidates Counts
Debug.Assert(dice.Counts[3] == 1);    // lazily computed on access when invalid and kept cached internally
values[3] = 4;                                                // XXX! Change not detected, Counts and Values now out of sync

I decided that this design was good enough for my little simulation. Still, the following design question remains: How to programmatically ensure that the caller of a method (or property setter) "loses" a reference to an object once it has made it known to another object? Or, to word it differently: How to ensure that an object is referred to by AT MOST ONE other object?

I encountered a similar performance problem with copying in the EnumeratingDice class. Copying was necessary because CompositionGenerator generated data in an array of 6 elements, but the Counts property requires an array of 7 elements (by leaving index 0 unused, some error-prone index manipulation is simply not necessary). Here I solved the problem by pregenerating all compositions upon construction (there are only 252) and copying them into a List<int[]> where every array is of length 7.


Compares two instaces of DiceState, the from state and the to state. The result of comparison are two properties:

A bool[] property where true positions correspond to the dice that must be changed in an attempt to get from the one to the other position. The returned reference is to a private array. Again, a performance optimization.
The number of false values in DiceToHold.


Since this was an exercise in OO design, I decided to model position evaluation with an abstract base class. From it, another abstract base classes are derived, with different position evaluation strategies:

Evaluates positions ones, twos, ..., sixes. Implements evaluation in terms of an abstract "target number", which is set to a constant by derived classes in their constructor.
Evaluates patterns like "two pairs". Implements greedy evaluation strategy, but the actual score calculation is delegated to subclasses. It is "greedy" because it tries to minimize the probability of ending up with a zero score. Thus it chooses the highest- scoring position within the set of nearest (according to Distance) non-zero positions. Number of remaining throws and game rules (e.g., forced or free) are not considered.


This project programatically interacts with Excel in order to run the simulation and display results.

SimData sheet allows you to simulate a number of games and display results. Setting either of SEED or COUNT fields will simulate the given number of games and display results. Setting SEED to a particular value will always generate the same results. Due to parallel execution, they may be displayed in different order. Setting SEED to 0 will set it to the current time of day and simulate the given number of games.

RefData sheet displays some statistical properties of the game. The table B2:P32 displays the number of ways each sum in left column can be obtained by the patterns in the top row (according to the implemented scoring rules). The vector Q2:Q253 displays in how many ways each of 252 unordered combinations can be achieved by throwing dice where order matters.

This vector was used to derive the probability of two consecutive throws containing the same dice, different orderings allowed (0.006353238). During testing, I noticed that State_Changes_After_Roll failed because I had set the allowed frequency of two like consecutive throws at 5/10000, but the test managed to produce ~60 such throws. At first I suspected a faulty Random class, but the approximately same frequency was obtained also with a CSPRNG. Then I proceeded to calculate the theoretical probability and concluded that everything was in order; with the above probability and 10000 throws one could expect 63 like consecutive throws. Therefore I used the probability threshold of 0.007 to allow for occasional deviation in the RNG.

During development I hit a curious anomaly in the Excel COM interface: when setting a range of cells, you always have to supply a 2D array, even when the range is 1D, in which case one of the array dimensions has to be 1.