
KubeCon-CloudNativeCon-North-America-2018's slides

Cloud Native Computing Foundation

This repo hosts published slide files

Slides list (TOC):

  1. [PUBLIC] etcd@Kubecon-2018NA.pdf
  2. 2018 CloudNativeCon GRPC Long And Streaming RPCs.pdf
  3. 2018 KubeCon NA - SIG Release Intro.pdf
  4. 2018 Kubecon NA 5 years of etcd.pdf
  5. 2018-12-11 Kubecon Gitops Tutorial.pdf
  6. 20181211-etcd-kubecon-cluster-management (1).pdf
  7. 2018-12-11--Intro_to_OpenMetrics.pdf
  8. 2018-12-12-Intro_to_Prometheus.pdf
  9. 2018-12-12-Prometheus_Deep_Dive.pdf
  10. A Vision For API Machinery Coming to Terms with the Platform We Built - Daniel Smith, Google.pdf
  11. a-basic-kubernetes-debugging-kit.pdf
  12. Abstracting Heavy Lifting How K8s Speeds Up Multi-Cloud Solution Delivery.pdf
  13. Adopting Prometheus the Hard Way-01.pdf
  14. Agones_ Scaling Multiplayer Dedicated Game Servers with Kubernetes.pdf
  15. Airflow Kubecon Talk Final.pdf
  16. Airflow on Kubernetes Dynamic Workflows Simplified - Daniel Imberman, Bloomberg & Barni Seetharaman, Google.pdf
  17. Athenz with Istio - Single Access Control Model in Cloud Infrastructures.pdf
  18. Audit in Kubernetes, the Future is Here.pdf
  19. Automated-Kubernetes-Scalability-Testing.pdf
  20. Automating Enterprise Governance Using the CICD Pipeline.pdf
  21. Automating Research Workflows at BlackRock - Matthew Magaldi & Vaibhav Page, BlackRock.pdf
  22. Behind Your PR How Kubernetes Uses Kubernetes to Run Kubernetes CI.pdf
  23. Big Data Operations Using Kubernetes and Local Storage.pdf
  24. Bringing Kubernetes to Bare-metal with a Focus on Users - Nicolas Trangez, Scality.pdf
  25. Building your own PostgreSQL-as-a-Service on Kubernetes.pdf
  26. Chaos Engineering - Open Science for Software Engineering - KubeCon North America 2018.pdf
  27. CICD K8s And DBs Better Together.pdf
  28. CLI DeepDive - Kubectl Plugins.pdf
  29. Cloud Jumping With Kubernetes.pdf
  30. Cluster API Deep Dive With a Case Study 1.pdf
  31. Cluster API Kubecon 2018 - on-prem and public clouds.pdf
  32. Clusters All the Way Down Crazy Multi-cluster Topologies.pdf
  33. Clusters as Cattle.pdf
  34. Compliant with Kubernetes.pdf
  35. Connect From Browsers using gRPC-Web.pdf
  36. Connecting and testing virtual network topologies on Kubernetes.pdf
  37. Connecting Multiple Kubernetes Clusters Across Cloud Providers.pdf
  38. Container Networking From Scratch - Kristen Jacobs, Oracle.pdf
  39. Container Platforms as Equalizers Running Health Services Across the World.pdf
  40. Container Security and Multi-Tenancy Tales from Kata and Nabla Teaser.pdf
  41. Cortex CloudNativeCon 2018.pdf
  42. CRDs Aren't Just for Addons.pdf
  43. Custom Deployment Strategies for Kubernetes - Nail Islamov, Atlassian.pdf
  44. DBaaS on Kubernetes Peanut Butter and Jelly, or Oil and Water.pdf
  45. Deep Dive_ IoT Edge Working Group.pdf
  46. Deep Dive_ kubespray - Kubecon 2018.pdf
  47. Deep Dive_ Operator Framework.pdf
  48. Deep Dive_ TUF (Kubecon North America 2018).pdf
  49. Deploying Rock Solid Applications with Kubernetes.pdf
  50. Developing Kubernetes Services at Airbnb Scale.pdf
  51. Distributed Tracing in Serverless Systems - Nitzan Shapira.pdf
  52. Do as I say Not as I Do.pdf
  53. Do it Live Measuring your Applications in Production - Jason Keene, Pivotal.pdf
  54. DRAFT - CNCF Conformance WG Intro - Kubecon Seattle.pdf
  55. DRAFT - KubeCon Seattle 2018 - SIG Testing Intro.pdf
  56. eBPF Powered Distributed Kubernetes Performance Analysis - KUBECON 2018.pdf
  57. Eco-Friendly ML.pdf
  58. Effective Development with Kubernetes Techniques, Tools and Telepresence - Philip Lombardi, Datawire.io.pdf
  59. Encoding_250000_Songs_a_Day_Dec11.pdf
  60. Exploring Application Portability Across Public Cloud Providers Using K8s.pdf
  61. Exploring our user-base challenges_ Getting insight from StackOverflow.pdf
  62. Extending Kubernetes LoadBalancer Using CRDs.pdf
  63. Falco-DeepDive-Kubecon.pdf
  64. Fine-grained cost allocation in multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters.pdf
  65. fluentd-intro-kubecon-2018-na.pdf
  66. Future of Humans in a world of automation.pdf
  67. GameServerNetworkingWithEnvoy_Draft.pdf
  68. Getting The Most Out Of Kubernetes.pdf
  69. GitOps.pdf
  70. gRPC Performance; Tuning Applications and Libraries.pdf
  71. gRPC-node deep dive.pdf
  72. Helm Intro.pdf
  73. high reliability infrastructuremigrations.pdf
  74. Highly Available Kubernetes Clusters - Best Practices - Kubecon NA 2018.pdf
  75. How to Build Deep Learning Inference Through Knative Serverless Framework.pdf
  76. IBMCloudSIG-KubeConSeattle18-Sahdev-Richard-Deep.pdf
  77. IBMCloudSIG-KubeConSeattle18-Sahdev-Richard-Intro.pdf
  78. Implementing Least Privilege Security and Networking with BPF on Kubernetes.pdf
  79. Intro - Operator Framework.pdf
  80. Intro CLI SIG – Mengqi Yu & Sean Sullivan, Google.pdf
  81. Intro Knative Productivity.pdf
  82. Intro to gRPC-Web.pdf
  83. Intro_ IoT Edge Working Group.pdf
  84. Introduction to GitOps Deployment to Kubernetes by @sakajunquality. 10 November 2018.pdf
  85. Intro-to-gRPC-Web.pdf
  86. Istio, the packet's-eye view - kubecon NA 2018.pdf
  87. Istio-Kubecon.pdf
  88. Jenkins X_ Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes.pdf
  89. k8s_not_for_devs.pdf
  90. K8S-SIG-Big-Data-Deep-Dive.pdf
  91. kata-containers-and-gvisor-a-quantitave-comparison.pdf
  92. KubeCon - CoreDNS over gRPC.pdf
  93. KubeCon - Intro CoreDNS.pdf
  94. KubeCon - Machine Learning the Kubernetes Way.pdf
  95. kubecon - making sense of audit.pdf
  96. Kubecon - Multitenant Access - Anund Mckague.pdf
  97. KubeCon 2018 - Cloud Native Transformation.pdf
  98. KubeCon 2018 Knative Productivity Deep Dive.pdf
  99. Kubecon 2018 NACode Search Presentation.pdf
  100. Kubecon 2018 SIG-Auth Intro.pdf
  101. KubeCon NA - This year, it's about security - 20181211.pdf
  102. Kubecon NA 2018 - Becoming Cloud Native Without Starting from Scratch .pdf
  103. KubeCon NA 2018 - Intro_ SIG Cloud Provider.pdf
  104. KubeCon NA 2018 -- Why Are We Copying and Pasting So Much_ (1).pdf
  105. KubeCon NA 2018 Cross-cloud CI Deep Dive Slides 12122018.pdf
  106. KubeCon NA 2018 Cross-cloud CI Intro slides 12112018.pdf
  107. KubeCon NA 2018_ SPIFFE Intro.pdf
  108. KubeCon NA 2019 - Deep Dive_ SIG Cloud Provider.pdf
  109. KubeCon NA 2019 - Intro_ SIG Cloud Provider.pdf
  110. Kubecon Seattle - Container Isolation.pdf
  111. KubeCon Seattle 2018 - SIG Testing Intro - draft.pdf
  112. Kubecon Seattle SIG-Testing Deep Dive.pdf
  113. Kubecon Seattle_ Debugging etcd.pdf
  114. KubeCon_ How to Choose a Kubernetes Runtime.pdf
  115. KubeCon_2018_NA_container_manifests.pptx
  116. KubeCon_2018_NA_MonitorTheWorld_combined_opt.pdf
  117. KubeCon_2018_NA_NATS_DEEP_DIVE.pdf
  118. KubeCon_2018_NA_NATS_INTROv1.pdf
  119. KubeCon_2018_NA_ppt-kata-containerd.pdf
  120. KubeCon_2018_NA_SIG-AWS Update.pdf
  121. KubeCon_2018_NA-k8s-secure.pdf
  122. KubeCon_2018_NA-kubeadm-deep-dive.pdf
  123. KubeCon_2018_NA-SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle-Intro (1).pdf
  124. KubeCon_2018_NA-Subpath.pdf
  125. kubecon_2018_observability_thommccann_amreth.pdf
  126. KubeCon_AppDirect_2018_Final.pdf
  127. KubeCon_Sharded.And.Federated.PrometheusCluster.Version.10.pdf
  128. KubeCon-2018 - CNCF Cross-Cloud CI - Adding support for new platforms.pdf
  129. KubeCon-2018-Operator-Metering.pdf
  130. KubeConNA_DataProtectionStrategy.pdf
  131. KubeCon-Seattle-2018 - Understanding CoreDNS in Kubernetes.pdf
  132. Kubeflow Workshop - Kubecon Seattle.pdf
  133. Kubegres Accessing K8s From Postgres - Liz Frost, Heptio.pdf
  134. Kubernetes and The GitOps Face-Off.pdf
  135. Kubernetes at Reddit_ An Origin Story - KubeCon 2018.pdf
  136. Kubernetes is Still Hard for App Developers, Let’s Fix That!.pdf
  137. Kubernetes Manages more than Just Containers - Ashley Schuett, Containership.pdf
  138. Kubernetes Release Notes Tips and Tricks.pdf
  139. Kubernetes Scalability_ A multi-dimensional analysis.pdf
  140. Kubernetes The Database - Jonathan Owens & Maryum Styles, New Relic.pdf
  141. Kubernetes, Istio, Knative - The new open cloud stack.pdf
  142. Labels in Prometheus Alerts_Elena Morozova.pdf
  143. Life of a Kubernetes Watch Event.pdf
  144. Linkerd 2.0, Now with Extra Prometheus.pdf
  145. Machine Learning as Code and Kubernetes with Kubeflow.pdf
  146. Migrating Jenkins to Kubernetes Broke Our Brains.pdf
  147. migrating-internet-archive-to-kubernetes.pdf
  148. minikube Intro - KubeCon Seattle 2018 (1).pdf
  149. minikube Intro - KubeCon Seattle 2018.pdf
  150. Monitoring Kubernetes with eBPF and Prometheus.pdf
  151. Monolith to Microservice_Pitchforks not included.pdf
  152. Multi-Cloud Ingress LB Gimbal Use Case in Actapio and Yahoo Japan.pdf
  153. Multicloud Traffic Director.pdf
  154. MySQL on Kubernetes.pptx
  155. Navigating Workload Identity in Kubernetes - Michael Danese, Google & Spike Curtis, Tigera.pdf
  156. Nezha A Kubernetes Native Big Data Accelerator For Machine Learning - Huamin Chen, Red Hat & Yuan Zhou, Intel.pdf
  157. OPA Intro Session KubeCon US 2018.pdf
  158. Our Journey to Service 5 Million Messaging Connections on Kubernetes - Dylan O'Mahony, Bose & Dave Doyle, Connected.pdf
  159. Peloton - A Unified Scheduler for Web-scale Workloads on Mesos & Kubernetes.pdf
  160. PID Autoscaling Strava's Linkerd Service Mesh Using Prometheus Data - J Evans, Strava.pdf
  161. Postmortems Help Hardening Kubernetes - KubeCon NA 2018 Seattle - Puja.pdf
  162. ProML-Scaling.pdf
  163. README.md
  164. Real-time Vision Processing on Kubernetes.pdf
  165. Rook Deep Dive.pdf
  166. Rook Project Intro Kubecon Seattle 2018.pdf
  167. Running a Distributed System Across Kubernetes Clusters.pdf
  168. Running Serverless HPC Workloads on Top of Kubernetes and Jupyter Notebooks.pdf
  169. Scale Your Service on What Matters Autoscaling on Latency.pdf
  170. Scaling AI Inference Workloads with GPUs and Kubernetes - Renaud Gaubert & Ryan Olson, NVIDIA.pdf
  171. Scrutinizing SPIRE to Sensibly Strengthen SPIFFE Security.pdf
  172. Seattle Kubecon 2018 Talk.pdf
  173. Securing Application Metrics & Tracing.pptx
  174. Securing Kubernetes With Admission Controllers - Dave Strebel, Microsoft.pdf
  175. Serverless Deep Dive 2018 North America.pdf
  176. Service Catalog.pdf
  177. Shopify_25k_bug_report_castle_lawrence_kubecon18.pdf
  178. SIG Apps Deep Dive.pdf
  179. SIG Apps Intro KubeCon NA 2018.pdf
  180. SIG MultiCluster at Kubecon Seattle 2018.pdf
  181. SIG Scheduling Deep Dive, KubeCon 2018.pdf
  182. SIG-OpenStack Update December 2018.pdf
  183. SIG-Release Deep Dive.pdf
  184. sig-scheduling-intro-na.pdf
  185. Smooth Operator.pdf
  186. Spawning Kubernetes in CI for Integration Tests.pdf
  187. SSO For Kubernetes.pdf
  188. Switching the Engine.pdf
  189. Tales from the Kube.pdf
  190. Talk_ KubeCon Operators 2018.pdf
  191. Telepresence KubeCon NA 2018.pdf
  192. The Future of your CRDs_ Evolving an API.pdf
  193. The Meshiest Problem We've Ever Solved (1).pdf
  194. Three Pillars with Zero Answers - A New Observability Scorecard (Kubecon Seattle 2018).pdf
  195. T-Mobile Store Locator Serverless Journey with Knative and Kubernetes - Ram Gopinathan, T-Mobile.pdf
  196. Trace Driven Development.pdf
  197. Troubleshooting On-Premise Kubernetes Network_ Underlay, Overlay and Pod V3.pdf
  198. Troubleshooting On-Premise Kubernetes Network_ Underlay, Overlay and Pod V4.pdf
  199. Tutorial Building & Running Kubernetes from Source and Submitting Your First PR.pdf
  200. Using a Kubernetes Operator to Manage Application Tenancy in a B2B SaaS App (1).pdf
  201. Using a Managed Kubernetes Service in the Enterprise.pptx
  202. Using Kubernetes to offer scalable deep learning on Alibaba Cloud - final.pdf
  203. Vitess - Failure is Always an Option Kubecon 2018.pptx
  204. Vitess at HubSpot How We Moved Hundreds of MySQL Databases into Kubernetes.pdf
  205. vmware-sig-deepdive-KubeCon_2018_NA.pdf
  206. vmware-sig-intro-KubeCon_2018_Seattle_v2.pdf
  207. VPA Kubecon Seattle.pdf
  208. Why Data Scientists Love Kubernetes.pdf
  209. ZeroToProductionKubecon2018NA.pdf