
Tract-based 3D animation tool

Primary LanguageC++zlib LicenseZlib

Tract 3D - Tract-based 3D animation tool



The aim of our software is to allow users to view .tck files, which represent white matter tracts derived from diffusion MRI, and engage the user with the help of various effects. The user will be able to experience a dynamic animation of particles flowing along these white matter tracts, position the camera along the path of these streamlines and apply a selection of expanding views and visual enhancements that aid in analyzing and understanding the structures of these white matter tracts.

External tools

This project uses the following external resources:

Tool Description Version Source License
GLFW An open source, multi-platform library for OpenGL. 3.3.9 link zlib
GLM A header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software. 1.0.0 link MIT
GLAD OpenGL Loader-Generator based on the official specifications. 0.1.36 link MIT
Dear ImGui A bloat-free graphical user interface library. 1.90.3 link MIT
NFD Extended A library that invokes native file open and file save dialogs. 1.1.1 link zlib
IconFontCppHeaders A set of header files and classes for using icon fonts in C++. 6.5.1 link zlib
FontAwesome The Internet's icon library and toolkit. 6.5.1 link SIL OFL
LearnOpenGL1 Resource for learning OpenGL with examples. N/A link CC BY-NC 4.0

All resources have been included in the repository in external/ for consistancy during development and building.


To build the program, use CMake to build the main target, or let your IDE figure it out (it probably will).

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


To make an installer for the application (Windows, NSIS), first build the project, then go to the build directory and run the cpack command.

cd build


The program can be launched in two ways:

  1. From a GUI context. E.g: you double-click the file on your desktop. There will be no console output.
  2. From a commandline context. There will be console output. When calling from a commandline, please use the following to combat asynchronous behaviour:
    • Powershell: Start-Process -Wait .\main.exe
    • CMD: start /wait main.exe

If you're using an IDE, your IDE will probably do the right thing if you just run the main target.


  1. Some code has been changed compared to the provided code.