Clone Craft

This is a one verses one DOTA/StarCraft/Sims game.

Get Started

Prereqs: node, git, iis, mongodb

  1. Run command prompt as Admin and navigate to directory
  2. Pull Code with git
  3. navigate to /Website
  4. 'npm install grunt-cli -g'
  5. 'npm install bower -g'
  6. 'npm install'
  7. Copy /config-sample.json to server/config.json
  8. Open server/config.json and make sure the 'Server Directory' value is the directory that your site is in e.g. 'C:'
  9. Have a mongo DB running under the connection string specified in config.json
  10. Create an IIS site titled 'CloneCraft Tourney'
  11. 'grunt server' will spin up the server
  12. navigate to http://localhost:6108 in your browser and smoke test

Reference Architecture Documentation

Check out that project for full build instructions.