
Interaktive Animation zur Veranschaulichung von Vorteilen beim Ablesen einer Skala durch die unverdrehte Zahlensprechweise.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Zwanzigeins Skala ablesen

Ein kleines Applet, welches die Vorzüge der stellenwertgerechten Zahlensprechweise (Zwanzigeins statt Einundzwanzig) illustriert am Beispiel eines Gliedermaßstabs.

How to install

  • Install node.js from https://nodejs.org
  • In the directory of the package.json file, run command window / terminal
  • Run the command npm i. This will create the folder ./node_modules and copy all required tools for building the app.

How to build

  • Run the command npm run build. This will create the folder ./out and copy all transpiled output files there.

How to develop

  • Any text editor will do, but VSCode is strongly recommended.
  • Important command for debugging is npm run build:scripts:dev, see package.json. This transpiles the TypeScript file with sourcemaps without uglifying, so the JavaScript code is readable.
    • One way to do this is running npm run build:dev which will generate all output files including the sourcemaps. This is recommended if you don't change the html and less files.
    • Each time you change files other than TypeScript, run npm run build:html for copying .html files and/or run build:styles for transpiling the less files to css.
    • You may want to use a separate command window for running build:scripts:dev, because this task will never finish. Instead, it watches for any changes in TypeScript files and builds them immediately.
  • When all output files are generated, open .out/index.html in any browser. Chrome detects the sourceMaps and allows for breakpoints in .src/*.ts.