
Files for PoC of vulnerability in Intel Killer Performance Suite

Primary LanguagePowerShell

This repository contains supporting files for the PoC of a vulnerability in the Intel Killer Performance Suite. See the blogpost for details of the vuln.

List of files:

  • WindowsUpdate.ps1: blocks network access for all svchost.exe processes in the OS. As result, Windows update stops working
  • Intel.ps1: blocks access to intel.com
  • Services.ps1: enables and starts remote registry and rdp services, disables and stops volume shadow copy service
  • KillerNetworkService.idl: IDL of Killer's COM server
  • KillerCheck.ps1: checks whether Killer's COM server is patched or not

For details of the vulnerability and the demo video refer to the blogpost. Feel free to ask questions in Twitter