A rebar3 plugin which converts .coverdata files to JSON format, compatible with https://codecov.io.
Add the plugin to your rebar config, register it as a post-hook and enable code coverage.
{plugins, [
{ rebar3_codecov, {git,
"https://github.com/zofpolkowska/rebar3_codecov.git", {branch, "master"}}}
%% Use ct, eunit, or both if you test your project with both frameworks.
{post, [{ct, {codecov, analyze}}]},
{post, [{eunit, {codecov, analyze}}]}
{cover_enabled, true}.
Configure Travis according to https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/getting-started/
The minimum .travis.yml should look more or less like the following:
language: erlang
- 20.3
rebar3 ct
travis_retry pip install --user codecov
Alternatively, you can call the plugin directly.
rebar3 codecov analyze path="_build/test/cover"
By default the plugin will look for the *.coverdata files in _build/test/cover directory. If you want to specify a different location, add to your rebar.config the list of directories
{path, ["path/to/*.coverdata/files"]}
Go to https://codecov.io and add your repository to see the results of code coverage