
A CPU Simulator

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

CPU Simlulator

A fully functional CPU simlulator that runs different scheduling algorithm and compares the results!


This application was designed with certain specifications, such as the time it takes for a context switch to occur t_cs to be greater than 0. Furthermore, it expects that io-time will be greater than t_cs. This application also expects input to be given as follows: Each line not beginning with a # (a comment line character), must either contain only whitespace or must be in the following form: <proc-num> | <burst-time> | <num-burst> | <io-time>


This application requires the use of cmake 3.0 and C++98 to build.

Installation Instructions:

First, cd into the directory you would like to install this application in

Then git clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/zwimer/CPU-Simulator

Create your build directory as follows

mkdir CPU-Simulator/src/build && cd CPU-Simulator/src/build/

After that run qmake and make with the command below

cmake .. && make


This application takes two arguments. The first is the input file, the file to be read. And the second is the file to which the simulations statics must be written.