
Fast and Differentiable Message Passing on Pairwise Markov Random Fields

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Related Publication

This work is accepted as an oral paper by ACCV 2020.

"Fast and Differentiable Message Passing on Pairwise Markov Random Fields" (Oral)
Zhiwei Xu, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Richard Hartley
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), November 2020, Japan

If you find our paper or code useful, please cite our work as follows.

title={Fast and Differentiable Message Passing on Pairwise Markov Random Fields},
author={Zhiwei Xu, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, and Richard Hartley},
journal={Asian Conference on Computer Vision},


To compile MP Layers, please do as follows

  • Install OpenCV for C++, OpenCV3.4.3 in our case, then set "[path]" for MP layers (ours is in "./MPLayers/compile.sh") in ~/.bashrc by

    export PYTHONPATH=[path]/MPLayers:[path]/MPLayers/Stereo:[path]/MPLayers/Segmentation:$PYTHONPATH$;
    source ~/.bashrc;
  • Edit files as follows

    In "./MPLayers/compile.sh", set the "[path]" by

    python setup.py --mode="stereo" develop --install-dir=[path]/MPLayers  # while mode: "stereo"|"segmentation"

    In "./MPLayers/setup.py",

        include_dir = ['aux', '../tools/cpp',
        library_dir = ['/mnt/scratch/zhiwei/Installations/anaconda3/envs/train-cuda/lib',
        include_dir = ['aux', '../tools/cpp',
                       '[OpenCV path]/include',
                       '[OpenCV path]/include/opencv']
        library_dir = ['[OpenCV path]/lib',
                       '[OpenCV path]/lib64']
  • Start compiling for MPLayer libraries (will be stored in "lib_stere_slim" and "lib_seg_slim") by running

    cd MPLayers;
    set --mode="stereo" in compile.sh;
    When it is finished
    set --mode="segmentation" in compile.sh;

To run deep semantic segmentation, please install

pytorch/0.4.1-py36-cuda90 (we also tested on pytorch/1.1.0-py36-cuda10, pytorch/0.4.0-py36-cuda90)


In either "./MPLayers/lib_seg" or "./MPLayers/lib_stereo", it contains libraries of "TRWP", "ISGMR", "TRWP_hard_soft", and "compute_terms".

TRWP: MAP TRWP used in our paper.
ISGMR: MAP ISGMR used in our paper.
TRWP_hard_soft: MAP and marginal TRWP although marginal TRWP was not used in our paper.
compute_terms: only used for stereo unary terms via OpenCV.

How to Use

Energy Minimization

  • Dataset

    • Stereo: All "Middlebury", "ETH3D", and "KITTI2015" images used in our paper are in "./datasets"

    • Denoise: Download "Denoise" files (containing unary terms of "penguin" and "house") and put them in "./datasets/Denoise"

  • Running

    cd MPLayers;
  • Max Labels

    Since denoise needs 256 labels, we set MAX_DISPARITY=int(256) in "MPLayers/setup.py" and "MPLayers/cuda/setup.py". One could reset it on demand, such as MAX_DISPARITY=192 or 96, to largely use the max number of blocks and threads in CUDA.

Deep Semantic Segmentation

  • Dataset: Download Berkeley benchmark and PASCAL VOC 2012 using the scripts from "./data/", put the merged datasets as "./datasets/pascal_scribble" (although ours is for fully-supervised learning). It should contain folders such as "ImageSets", "JPEGImages", "SegmentationClassAug", etc.

  • Ensure folders of "datasets", "experiments", and "pretrained" exist. Then, download our models and stored in each subfolder, e.g., "pretrained/TRWP/model.pth.tar".

  • To test using "test.sh"

    set "--mpnet_mrf_mode" as "TRWP", "ISGMR", "SGM", "MeanField", or "vanilla"
  • To train using "train.sh"

    set --resume_unary="pretrained/vanilla/model.pth.tar" if "--mpnet_mrf_mode" in ["TRWP", "ISGMR", "SGM", "MeanField"]
    remove "--resume_unary" if --mpnet_mrf_mode="vanilla"


We will keep updating this repository.