This is the official implementation of our paper on arXiv which is duplicated from ddn/apps.
If you find this paper or code useful, please cite our work as follows,
author = {Zhiwei Xu and
Hao Wang and
Yanbin Liu and
Stephen Gould},
title = {{PMaF}: Deep Declarative Layers for Principal Matrix Features},
booktitle = {ICML Workshop on Differentiable Almost Everything: Differentiable Relaxations, Algorithms, Operators, and Simulators},
year = {2023}
We explore two differentiable deep declarative layers, namely least squares on sphere (LESS) and implicit eigen decomposition (IED), for learning the principal matrix features (PMaF) which refers to a single vector summarising a data matrix.
We use PyTorch 1.12.0 on a single 3090 GPU.
In LESS/, set "enable_viz_proj=True" for all figures (with 8 examples) in the paper; set "enable_viz_proj=False" for the table in the paper.
Then, run
Results will be saved in LESS/results.
Run IED/12_implicit_eigen_decomposition.ipynb. One can change "enable_symmetric" for the symmetricity and non-symmetricity of the input matrix.
Results (Session "Statistics of precision" in the Jupyter notebook) with figures, tables, and .csv files will be saved in IED/results.
For any enquires, please contact