
Asp.Net Core 7.0 Online Courses MicroServices

Primary LanguageC#


Microservice structure

Catalog Microservice

Responsible for storing and presenting information related to our courses. We use MongoDB as the database. Additionally, we manage One-To-Many and One-To-One relationships.

Basket Microservice

Responsible for handling shopping cart operations. We use RedisDB as the database.

Discount Microservice

Responsible for managing discount coupons assigned to users. We use PostgreSQL as the database.

Order Microservice

Handles order-related processes. We develop this microservice using the Domain Driven Design approach and implement the CQRS design pattern with the MediatR library. The database used is SQL Server.

FakePayment Microservice

Responsible for payment transactions.

IdentityServer Microservice

Manages user data storage, token, and refresh token generation. We use SQL Server as the database.

PhotoStock Microservice

Responsible for storing and presenting course photos.

API Gateway

A component that directs API traffic and routes it to microservices from a central point. In this project, we use the Ocelot library.

Message Broker

We use RabbitMQ as the message queue system. Additionally, we communicate with RabbitMQ using the MassTransit library.

Identity Server

Responsible for generating tokens and refresh tokens, securing microservices with access tokens, and building a structure compliant with OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect protocols.

Asp.Net Core MVC Microservice

Responsible for displaying data obtained from microservices to users and interacting with users through the UI.

Screenshots Of The Project







