somatic-combiner v1.03

A consensus ensemble approach which can combine somatic variants VCFs generated from seven popular callers: LoFreq, MuSE, MuTect2, MuTect, Strelka, VarDict and VarScan.


java jdk or jre v1.8 or above


git clone


  • Command line:

The input VCF files can be .gz files. The runnable JAR file is loacted in the example folder.

java -jar somaticCombiner.jar -L ${LoFreq_INDEL_VCF} -l ${LoFreq_SNV_VCF} -u ${MuSE_VCF} -M ${MuTect2_VCF} -m ${MuTect_VCF} -s ${Strelka_SNV_VCF} -S ${Strelka_INDEL_VCF} -v ${VarScan_SNV_VCF} -V ${Varscan_INDEL_VCF} -D ${VarDict_VCF} -o ${OUTPUT_VCF} -t ${Tumor VAF threshold}

"-t" is the optional option. A threshold value for filtering all variants below this value.

  • Example

Using the example VCF files in the example folder to run test

cd example && sh ./


  1. All input VCFs must be called from same tumor/normal paired BAMs and reference genome. The VCFs with INDELs must do vt normalization before merge.
  2. The program can merge any two or more VCFs from above seven callers.
  3. Only the variants with a "PASS" in the FILTER column will be used for the merge process.
  4. For the individual VCF, in the header line, the sample columns must contain "TUMOR" or "NORMAL" (case insenstitive though) to distiguish two samples. The Lofreq VCF can leave empty for those columns since it does not return sample columns.
  5. "GT:DP:AD" values in the output VCF will use the values from input VCFs according to the configured priority order: MuTect2 > MuTect > MuSE > VarDict > Strelka > LoFreq > VarScan.
  6. The INFO column of an output VCF contains two fields, Tumor_AD (Tumor allelic fraction) and Tumor_DP (Tumor depth) (e.g., "Tumor_AF=0.25;Tumor_DP=26;") and both of them are retrieved from individual VCFs accoring to above priority order.
  7. The output VCF is a superset of all VCFs. In the output VCF, the calling status of individual callers will be annotated by in the INFO column (e.g., "NumCallers=7;lLsSumMDvV=1010111110") and tagged as "PASS", "LowConf", "ADJ_LowConf" or "ADJ_PASS" in the FILTER column. The description of those items are presented in the header part of output VCFs.
  8. The BED file for 368 cancer genes used for evaluation tests in deep target sequencing data is provided here


Mingyi Wang, Wen Luo, Kristine Jones, Xiaopeng Bian, Russell Williams, Herbert Higson, Dongjing Wu, Belynda Hicks, Meredith Yeager, Bin Zhu. SomaticCombiner: improving the performance of somatic variant calling based on evaluation tests and a consensus approach. Sci Rep 10, 12898 (2020).