
A C++ implementation of link-cut trees.

Primary LanguageC++


A C++ implementation of link-cut trees. A link-cut tree data structure maintains a forest of nodes subject to the following operations:

  • link(x, y): make the tree rooted at x a subtree of y,
  • cut(x): remove the edge connecting x to its parent.

The trees can be queried using the following operations:

  • root(x): find the root of the tree containing x,
  • path(x): compute a function of the nodes on the root-to-x path.

All operations take O(lg n) amortized time. root(x) can be used to test connectivity. In this implementation the path function computes the depth of a node in its tree. Dynamic lowest ancestor queries can be answered by using the function lca(x, y).


For all 0 <= x, y < n,

  • LinkCut tree(n); /* new link-cut tree with n nodes */
  • tree.link(x, y); /* link x and y */
  • tree.cut(x); /* cut x */
  • tree.root(x); /* root of tree containing x */
  • tree.depth(x); /* depth of x in its tree */
  • tree.lca(x, y); /* lowest common ancestor of x and y */