SeFACED: Semantic-based Forensic Analysis and Classification of E-Mail Data using Deep Learning

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SeFACED: Semantic-based Forensic Analysis and Classification of E-Mail Data using Deep Learning

The dataset used in this study is an amalgamation of 3 existing datasets and 1 newly created datasets. The dataset contains Normal e-mails from Enron Corpora[1], Fraudulent e-mails provided by Phished e-mails corpora [2] which contain misleading information, Harassment messages selected from “Hate Speech & Offensive Dataset"[3]. We enhanced the dataset of Email Forensics by adding the suspicious emails data from our personal email sources, and twitter source. The suspicious dataset contains some terrorism-related messages collected from Twitter by API. These different datasets are merged into a structural file to make the multiclass E-mail classification possible. We extracted features from the E-mail body using TF-IDF, Word2vector, and Word Embedding to classify them. The number of Normal, Fraudulent, Harassment, and Suspicious emails are 9001, 9001, 9138, and 5287 respectively. The header information such as sender, subject, CC, and BCC are removed; only the Email body’s content is used for analysis. The dataset after composition contains about 32,427 messages. The dataset can be used to enhance the security measure of the email servers and the end users. We will feel honored if you will cite our framework, code, or dataset in your study to avoid any unwanted situation created by unreliable email communication.

please refer the following paper:

@article{hina2021sefaced, title={Sefaced: Semantic-based forensic analysis and classification of E-mail data using deep learning}, author={Hina, Maryam and Ali, Mohsin and Javed, Abdul Rehman and Ghabban, Fahad and Khan, Liaqat Ali and Jalil, Zunera}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={9}, pages={98398--98411}, year={2021}, publisher={IEEE} }

Related References: [1] kaggle, “The enron email dataset,” 2020. Last accessed 16 December 2020. [2] D. Radev, “Clair collection of fraud email, acl data and code repository,” ADCR2008T001, 2008. [3] https://www.kaggle.com/mrmorj/hate-speech-and-offensive-language-dataset?select=labeled_data.csv [4] https://www.kaggle.com/kaggle/hillary-clinton-emails