
Example engage digital chat bot that will respond with "pong" for "ping" message.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple example engage digital chatbot that will repond with 'pong' to message with 'ping', created with RingCentral engage Digital chatbot framwork.

Youtube video


Quick start

Let's start a simple chatbot server.

# get the code
git clone git@github.com:zxdong262/ping-pong-engage-digital-chatbot.git
cd ping-pong-engage-digital-chatbot

# install dependecies
npm i

# start proxy server, this will make your local bot server can be accessed by RingCentral service
npm run ngrok

# will show
Forwarding                    https://xxxx.ap.ngrok.io -> localhost:4100
# Remember the https://xxxx.ap.ngrok.io, we will use it later

Follow steps to prepare email source and webhook for chatbot to prepare the email source and webhook.

# create env file
cp .env.sample .env
# then edit .env, set proper setting according to the tip in .env

# run local dev server
npm start

Test bot

  • Send a email with "ping" to your predefined email source address, then bot will auto reply with pong.
  • You may edit src/server/index.js to set your own reply logic.


npm run build

Run production code

# after npm run build
npx ringcentral-engage-chatbot dist/server/index.js

Build and deploy to AWS Lambda

