
AI homework, python, lasagne, theano

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an implementation of the AlphaZero algorithm for playing the simple board game Gomoku (also called Gobang or Five in a Row) from pure self-play training. The game Gomoku is much simpler than Go or chess, so that we can focus on the training scheme of AlphaZero and obtain a pretty good AI model on a single PC in a few hours. The AI can run on Pisvork. The AI obey the restricted move rules in Gomoku.


  1. AlphaZero: Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
  2. AlphaGo Zero: Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge


To play with the trained AI models, only need:

  • Python >= 2.7
  • Numpy >= 1.11

To train the AI model from scratch, further need, either:

  • Theano >= 0.7 and Lasagne >= 0.1
  • PyTorch >= 0.2.0

PS: if your Theano's version > 0.7, please follow this issue to install Lasagne,
otherwise, force pip to downgrade Theano to 0.7 pip install --upgrade theano==0.7.0

If you would like to train the model using other DL frameworks, such as TensorFlow or MXNet, you only need to rewrite policy_value_net.py.

Getting Started

To play with provided models, run the following script from the directory:

python human_play.py  

You may modify human_play.py to try different provided models or the pure MCTS.

To train the AI model from scratch, with Theano and Lasagne, directly run:

python train.py

With PyTorch, first modify the file train.py, i.e., comment the line

from policy_value_net import PolicyValueNet  # Theano and Lasagne

and uncomment the line

# from policy_value_net_pytorch import PolicyValueNet  # Pytorch

and then execute: python train.py (To use GPU training, set use_gpu=True)

The models (best_policy.model and current_policy.model) will be saved every a few updates (default 50).

Tips for training:

  1. It is good to start with a 6 * 6 board and 4 in a row. For this case, we may obtain a reasonably good model within 500~1000 self-play games in about 2 hours.
  2. For the case of 8 * 8 board and 5 in a row, it may need 2000~3000 self-play games to get a good model, and it may take about 2 days on a single PC.
  3. For the case of 15 * 15 board and 5 in a row, it may need

I train it on win10 python3.4.0. You also need - libpython (https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/) - wheel (to install libpython) - mingw64 - Theano >= 1.0 - replace theano\compat_init_.py line 41 with: def decode(x): return x.decode("GBK")

        def decode_iter(itr):
            for x in itr:
                yield x.decode("GBK")
- replace lasagne\layers\pool.py line 6 with:
        import theano.tensor.signal.pool as downsample

I also change some code in order to run it under python3.x