
A basic dice game

Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Pig Game | Play it here

This game is a called a pig race game which basically, uses the random dice roll concept. For example, when you roll a dice in real life you're bound to get any number between {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} assuming you're using a dice that has six faces. So, this game utilizes this logic by adding up the random numbers upto hundred. And, if a player reaches the goal score before the opponent then they'll have won the match.

Setting Up

Just clone this repo and double click on the index.html file and you're all set.

Properties and Instructions

  • There are currently two players called DARK and other LIGHT
  • Initial score will be 0
  • HOLD button will transfer the current score to the main scoreboard i.e. located in the middle of each opponent's section
  • ROLL DICE button will fetch any random number between 1 - 6 and add it with current score
  • NEW GAME button will start a new session you can also do this by reloading the page
  • If it's Dark's turn then the screen will glow white similarly, if it's Light's turn then the screen will glow white
  • Note that LIGHT will start their turn first
  • After the match the winner's screen will glow even brighter and the hold and roll buttons will be hidden


  1. No cheating focus shift

  2. If a player encounters 1 as their roll then the turn will be shifted to their opponent

    focus shift
  3. See in the above image that the current value has been discarded. And, to escape this you should use the hold button because it'll save the score and add it to the main scoreboard otherwise, you'll lose your hard earned score!

    save score
  4. NEW GAME will reset the entire session

    new game button
  5. That's it! Enjoy!


Tweaking the code and making changes to background, foreground, changing the fonts, etc.

Changing the background

  1. Go to the style.css file

  2. Look for this snippet:

    body {
    	font-family: "Nunito", sans-serif;
    	font-weight: 400;
    	height: 100vh;
    	color: #333;
    	background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #100029 0%, #920540 100%);
    	display: flex;
    	align-items: center;
    	justify-content: center;
  3. Now, in this line background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #100029 0%, #920540 100%); you'd need to change #100029 and #920540 to any other color like aquamarine and darkorchid or, any hex/rgb color codes. Also, you can play around with the angle, alignment and percentage as well


Changing the font

  1. Go to the style.css file

  2. Look for this snippet:

    body {
    	font-family: "Nunito", sans-serif;
    	font-weight: 400;
    	height: 100vh;
    	color: #333;
    	background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #100029 0%, #920540 100%);
    	display: flex;
    	align-items: center;
    	justify-content: center;
  3. Now, in this line font-family: "Nunito", sans-serif; you'd need to change "Nunito" to any other font like "courier new". Also, if you're using a custom font then import it first demo