
k8s_dns_chaos - enables inject DNS chaos in a Kubernetes cluster.

Primary LanguageGo


Used to inject DNS chaos into a Kubernetes cluster. This is the DNS server for the Chaos Mesh DNSChaos.


This plugin implements the Kubernetes DNS-Based Service Discovery Specification.

CoreDNS running with the k8s_dns_chaos plugin can be used to do chaos tests on DNS.

This plugin can only be used once per Server Block.


It works with CoreDNS 7d5f5b87a4fb310d442f7ef0d52e3fead0e10d39.


k8s_dns_chaos [ZONES...]

The k8s_dns_chaos supports all options in plugin kubernetes, besides, it also supports other configuration items for chaos.

kubernetes [ZONES...] {
    endpoint URL
    namespaces NAMESPACE...
    labels EXPRESSION
    pods POD-MODE
    ttl TTL
    transfer to ADDRESS...
    fallthrough [ZONES...]
    ignore empty_service

    chaos ACTION SCOPE [PODS...]
    grpcport PORT

Only [ZONES...], chaos and grpcport is different with plugin with kubernetes:

  • [ZONES...] defines which zones of the host will be treated as internal hosts in the Kubernetes cluster.

  • chaos ACTION SCOPE [PODS...] set the behavior and scope of chaos.

    Valid value for Action:

    • random: return random IP for DNS request.
    • error: return error for DNS request.

    Valid value for SCOPE:

    • inner: chaos only works on the inner host of the Kubernetes cluster.
    • outer: chaos only works on the outer host of the Kubernetes cluster.
    • all: chaos works on all the hosts.

    [PODS...] defines which Pods will take effect, the format is Namespace.PodName.

  • grpcport PORT sets the port of GRPC service, which is used for the hot update of the chaos rules. The default value is 9288. The interface of the GRPC service is defined in dns.proto.


All DNS requests in Pod busybox.busybox-0 will get error:

k8s_dns_chaos cluster.local in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {
pods insecure
fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa
ttl 30
chaos error all busybox.busybox-0

The shell command below will execute failed:

    kubectl exec busybox-0 -it -n busybox -- ping -c 1 google.com
    ping: bad address 'google.com'