Implementation of 2D/3D geodesic distance transforms
Geodesic transformation of images can be implementated with two approaches: fast marching and raster scan. Fast marching is based on the iterative propagation of a pixel front with velocity F [1]. Raster scan is based on kernel operations that are sequentially applied over the image in multiple passes [2]. In GeoS [3], the authors proposed to use a 3x3 kernel for forward and backward passes for efficient geodesic distance transform, which was used for image segmentation.
Raster scan for geodesic distance transform. Image from [3].
DeepIGeoS [4] proposed to combine geodesic distance transforms with convolutional neural networks for efficient interactive segmentation of 2D and 3D images.
- [1] Sethian, James A. "Fast marching methods." SIAM review 41, no. 2 (1999): 199-235.
- [2] Borgefors, Gunilla. "Distance transformations in digital images." CVPR, 1986
- [3] Criminisi, Antonio, Toby Sharp, and Andrew Blake. "Geos: Geodesic image segmentation." ECCV, 2008.
- [4] Wang, Guotai, et al. "Deepigeos: A deep interactive geodesic framework for medical image segmentation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.00652 (2017).
A comparison of fast marching and ranster scan for 2D geodesic distance transform.
This repository provides a cpp implementation of fast marching and raster scan for 2D/3D geodesic distance transforms, and proivdes a python interface to use it. This is part of the work of DeepIGeoS [4]. If you use our code, please cite this paper.
How to use
1, build the cpp files with python, run python build
2, install the package to default python path, run python install
3, see a 2D example, run python
4, see a 3D example, run python