基于Pytorch和Flask web框架来预测手写数字,using Flask and torch and to predict mnist
1.torch 2.torchvision 3.flask
- 1.clone本git,然后下载MNIST数据集,MNIST文件夹解压到DataSet目录下 (Download DataSet by Baidu Netdisk,The MNIST folder is extracted into the DataSet directory)
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13yaI3R4Oun2UF0eoLpLfeQ 提取码:vnyc
2.模型搭建 Net building 进入model/model.py 进行更改你需要的model,这里使用的是LeNet5(into file"Model/model.py" then make changes to the model you need,LeNet5 here)
3.运行train.py训练数据集(Run train.py to train Mnist with LeNet5,)
3.运行elevate.py评估数据集(Run elevate.py to evaluate test of DataSet)
5.运行app.py,然后点击出现的链接(run app.py then click the link that appears)