
Primary LanguageTypeScript

File System

import * as fs from 'fs';
  • writeFile
  • readFile

the synchronous nature(同步特性) of the EventEmitter

  • on
  • emit
  • removeListener


const one = new Buffer(3);

const two = Buffer.alloc(5, 1);

const three = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3]);


所有的 Stream 对象都是 EventEmitter 的实例 常用的事件有:

  • data - 当有数据可读时触发。
  • end - 没有更多的数据可读时触发。
  • error - 在接收和写入过程中发生错误时触发。
  • finish - 所有数据已被写入到底层系统时触发。

Readable - 可读流

  • readable:在数据块可以从流中读取的时候发出
aboutReadable.on('readable', () => {
    let data;
    while(null !== (data = stream.read())) {
        console.log('received:', data.toString())
  • data:有数据可读时发出
  • end:当数据被读完时发出
  • close:当底层的资源,如文件,已关闭时发出
  • error:当在接收数据中出现错误时发出
  • pause: 暂停
  • resume: 重新恢复流动
stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
    console.log('New chunk of data:', chunk);

setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000)

Writable -> 可写流

const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('./temp/write.txt');

pipe -> 管道

const otherRead = fs.createReadStream('./temp/log.txt');

child_process ->> 子进程

  • spawn
  • exec
  • execFile
  • fork

cluster ->> 集群

  • cluster.fork():创建 a new process
  • cluster.on("online", function(worker) {})
  • cluster.on("exit", (worker, code, signal) => {})

worker_threads ->> 多线程

  • Worker
  • parentPort: used the parentPort to communicate our worker thread with the main thread
  • workerData: 创建 worker 线程的初始化数据

A Message Channel is a simple communication channel. It has two ends, which are called ‘ports’. In JavaScript/NodeJS terminology, two ends of a Message Channel are just called ‘port1’ and ‘port2’.

  • MessageChannel:port1和port2之间能够进行数据通信

Single thread vs child process vs worker threads vs cluster in nodejs

child processes

The child_process module provides the ability to spawn new processes which has their own memory. The communication between these processes is established through IPC (inter-process communication) provided by the operating system.

  • Only parent to child process communication is possible and there is no child to child communication.
  • Separate memory is allocated for each child process which means that there is a time and resource overhead.

Worker threads

  • worker threads share memory and communication between threads is possible.
  • Essentially the difference between worker threads and child processes is same as the difference between a thread(线程) and a process(进程).


It is built on top of the child_process module. In an Http server, the cluster module uses child_process.fork() to automatically fork processes and sets up a master-slave architecture(主从结构) where the parent process distributes the incoming request to the child processes in a round-robin fashion(循环的方式). Ideally, the number of processes forked should be equal to the number of cpu cores your machine has.