DataBase Project use java & MySQL to construct a bookshop system Contributed by zxybazh
Built on
- Mysql mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.41, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3
- Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_72-b14)
- The main() function is in
- All classes are not specifically secured.
- The System is based on mysql.jar which provides sql API for the java source.
- Please follow the instructions step by step while running the program.
- If there's any bug please put it in issue.
- The program will be implemented with JSP and Tomcat to form an online bookshop system.
- purchase, feedback and rate are right behind browse system and show order is right in feedback function, all of the features are fully implemented with java from our project requirement. Some features can be only seen in administrator view.
To Run The System
- move to ./src
- javac workspace/*.java
- In windows system: java -cp "../mysql.jar;." workspace.bookshop
- In Linux/Unix system: java -cp ../mysql.jar:. workspace.bookshop
- Or you can use an IDE (such as IDEA). Remember to add mysql.jar as an external jar to your project's Java build path.
- You can try the system with user name and password registered, and the features can be tested with the following accounts.
- tiny@tiny
- admin@admin
- potaty@potaty
- tip: the account are used as user name@password, and they happen to be the same.