Source code for the paper "Defending Against FakeBob Adversarial Attacks in Speaker Verification Systems With Noise-Adding"
Jupyter notebook code used to gnerate Figures 3 and 5 in the paper. Moreover, the source code of denoising and noise-adding methods is provided.
- ./Demo.ipuynb: Jupyter notebook code used to gnerate Figures 3 and 5 in the paper. Contain the code that shows an audio in time domain and mel spectrogram.
- ./ python code for the noise-adding method.
- ./ python code for the denoising method. It calls the method in "./" file.
- ./ This file is downloaded and modified from Noise reduction in python using spectral gating by Tim Sainburg.
- ./237-126133-0017-att-org.wav: Original clean audio that was used to generate an adversarial audio.
- ./237-126133-0017-att-adv.wav: Adversarial audio.
- ./237-126133-0017-att-denoised.wav: Denoised adversarial audio.
- ./237-126133-0017-att-noise-added.wav: Noise-added adversarial audio.
Before running "Demo.ipynb", please make sure to create a "./figs/" folder that will contain generated figures.