
A circuit-breaker pattern implementation with fallback support.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A circuit breaker implementation based heavily on ryanfitz's node-circuitbreaker. More information about the circuitbreaker pattern can be found in the akka documentation.

Build Status

Basic Usage

'use strict';

var Levee = require('levee');
var Wreck = require('wreck');

var options, circuit;

options = {
    maxFailures: 5,
    timeout: 60000,
    resetTimeout: 30000

circuit = Levee.createBreaker(Wreck.get, options);
circuit.run('http://www.google.com', function (err, req, payload) {
    // If the service fails or timeouts occur 5 consecutive times,
    // the breaker opens, fast failing subsequent requests.
    console.log(err || payload);

Advanced Usage

function fallback(url, callback) {
    callback(null, null, new Buffer('The requested website is not available. Please try again later.'));

circuit = Levee.createBreaker(service, options);
circuit.fallback = Levee.createBreaker(fallback, options);

circuit.on('timeout', function () {
    console.log('Request timed out.');

circuit.on('failure', function (err) {
    console.log('Request failed.', err);

circuit.run('http://www.google.com', function (err, req, payload) {
    // If the service fails or timeouts occur 5 consecutive times,
    // the breaker opens, fast failing subsequent requests.
    console.log(err || payload);

var stats, fbStats;
stats = Levee.createStats(circuit);
fbStats = Levee.createStats(circuit.fallback);

// Print stats every 5 seconds.
setInterval(function () {
}, 5000);


new Breaker(command [, options])

Creates a new Breaker instance with the following arguments:

  • command - an object with a property named execute with value being a function using the signature: function (context, callback) where:
    • context - Any context needed to execute the desired behavior.
    • callback - A callback function with the signature function (err, [arg1, arg2, ...])
var Levee = require('levee');

var breaker = new Levee.Breaker({ execute: fn }, options);

createBreaker(command [, options])

An alternative method for creating Breaker instances with the following arguments:

  • command - either function or an object with a property named execute with value being a function using the signature: function (context, callback) where:
    • context - Any context needed to execute the desired behavior.
    • callback - A callback function with the signature function (err, [arg1, arg2, ...])
var Levee = require('levee');

function doStuff(context, callback) {
    callback(null, 'ok');

var breaker = Levee.createBreaker(fn, options);

new Stats(breaker)

Create a new Stats instance with the following argument:

  • breaker - a Breaker instance
var Levee = require('levee');

var breaker = new Levee.Stats(breaker);


An alternative method for creating a new Stats instance with the following argument:

  • breaker - a Breaker instance
var Levee = require('levee');

var breaker = Levee.createStats(breaker);


new Levee.Breaker(command, options) or Levee.createBreaker(command, options)



the amount of time to allow an operation to run before terminating with an error.


the number of failures allowed before the Breaker enters the open state.


the amount of time to wait before switch the Breaker from the open to half_open state to attempt recovery.


function that returns true if an error should be considered a failure (receives the error object returned by your command.) This allows for non-critical errors to be ignored by the circuit breaker.


Custom error message to be used, for timeout error.


Custom error message to be used, when circuit is open and command is not available.



a Breaker instance to fallback to in the case of the Breaker entering the open state.


run(context, callback)

Executes the wrapped functionality within the circuit breaker functionality with the arguments:

  • context - any context to be provided to the implementation.
  • callback - the callback to be fired upon completion with the signature function (err, [param1, param2, ...])


new Levee.Stats(breaker) or Levee.createStats(breaker)

A simple data aggregation object.



Increment a named counter.

  • name - the label of the counter to increment.

Decrement a named counter.

  • name - the label of the counter to decrement.
sample(name, value)

Take a sample of a given value.

  • name - the label of the sample being recorded.
  • value - the sample value being recorded.

Get the current state of the current Stats instance. Returns an object with the following properties:

  • counts - A map of names to current count values.
  • samples - A map of names to current sample averages and counts, in the form of: { average: 0, count, 0 }

Resets all counts and samples.


Reset counts for the provided name. If no name is provided, resets all counts.

  • name - the label of the count to reset.

Reset samples for the provided name. If no name is provided, resets all samples.

  • name - the label of the sample to reset.