- 0
Third party streaming
#85 opened by AykhanUV - 2
#68 opened by tamimology - 1
Zoom in on images
#84 opened by iegorushkin - 5
500 ISE All Instances
#83 opened by dfuentes87 - 0
New instance -
#81 opened by Troughy - 0
New instance -
#82 opened by Sommerwiesel - 0
Existing instance - URL change
#80 opened by hyperreal64 - 0
lists route is broken
#78 opened by zyachel - 1
New Instance:
#75 opened by hyperreal64 - 1
New Instance
#74 opened by blade10101 - 2
Users' reviews and libremdb
#25 opened by Lippiece - 2
fix instances.json
#72 opened by Topmay - 1
How to translate?
#69 opened by mahdiar - 1
View all awards Error 404
#66 opened by helio4k - 5
- 0
Add catsarch onion instance
#65 opened by ButteredCats - 1
New instance
#62 opened by r2fo - 0
Checked on a dozen instances, everywhere I get this same 500 error when trying to open some film's about page. For example,
#61 opened by zyachel - 5
something went wrong (500)
#51 opened by riveravaldez - 3
Include a version
#59 opened by grandeljay - 1
Where is sadgnu.svg from?
#41 opened by ndren - 1
Add instance
#58 opened by ButteredCats - 1
Request: full Technical Specs URL
#57 opened by fccfc5d245c - 1
Add instance
#56 opened by extremelyonline - 0 (Invalid SSL Cert)
#54 opened by xbdmHQ - 1
Trivia should have 'read more'
#55 opened by gradation0746 - 1
- 1
Remove instance of "Esmail EL BoB"
#47 opened by MagicLike - 1
- 1
- 1
Better Credit Layout
#45 opened by MintMain21 - 0
Various errors on various IMDB mirrors
#46 opened by slrslr - 2
Redirect unsupported paths to TMDB or OMDB.
#23 opened by MintMain21 - 0
New instance
#44 opened by RealFascinated - 3
PNPM Version / Lockfile Mismatch
#42 opened by twomoses - 1
New Instance
#43 opened by xbdmHQ - 2
Profile of a person missing
#36 opened by airone506 - 2
Actors' pages
#39 opened by aeternum1986 - 3
500 error on searching
#37 opened by aeternum1986 - 0
Add parental guide route
#35 opened by zyachel - 0
Add a settings page allowing for customisation
#34 opened by zyachel - 1
Full Cast & Crew?
#33 opened by airone506 - 3
404 not found when trying to view episodes
#30 opened by vertigo220 - 1
New Instance:
#32 opened by shindouj - 2
- 1
Search suggestions
#29 opened by vertigo220 - 2
Videos can't be fast forwarded
#26 opened - 2
- 1
#27 opened by privacytime101 - 1