
Nuclei + ParamSpider = Nuclei-Spider

Primary LanguageShell

Nuclei Spider

Idea stolen from https://github.com/0xKayala/NucleiFuzzer
But I made it more clean and add favor to my personal used environment


Python 3.5 or above and Pip3

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Golang > go1.21.1

If you are using kali

sudo apt install golang

If you are like me, using Linux Mint / Ubuntu

sudo snap install go --classic

Once you have Golang, you can proceed to install the necessarily tools:


go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/v2/cmd/nuclei@latest

Now you have Nuclei, the rest below are optional because they are already automated in the script uwu.sh

Chown /opt/ directory to have write permission as current user

sudo chown -R /opt <username>

Make a nuclei directory inside /opt/ and install templates and ParamSpider

mkdir /opt/nuclei
git clone https://github.com/projectdiscovery/fuzzing-templates.git /opt/nuclei/fuzzing-templates
git clone https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates.git /opt/nuclei/nuclei-templates
git clone https://github.com/devanshbatham/ParamSpider.git
pip3 install ParamSpider/
sleep 1
rm -rf ParamSpider/

Lastly change the following file and line to the /opt/nuclei/ directory

nano ~/.config/nuclei/.templates-config.json

Yes yes this line



wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zyairelai/nuclei-spider/main/uwu.sh
chmod a+x uwu.sh
sudo mv uwu.sh /usr/bin/nucleispider

What this thingy does?

  • It use ParamSpider to crawl the domain URL and its endpoints from wayback archive
  • Then all the paramater will be replaced with FUZZ
  • Using Nuclei fuzzing template to fuzz all the FUZZ parameters to identify XSS, SQLi, Command Injection etc

What to expect

if you are facing a very new web app or UAT environment