
Android client for easy download

Primary LanguageJava

Android Boilerplate

Sample Android app that we use at ribot as a reference for new Android projects. It demonstrates the architecture, tools and guidelines that we use when developing for the Android platform (https://github.com/ribot/android-guidelines)

Libraries and tools included:



To build and install the debug version:

./gradlew installDebug


For Android Studio to use syntax highlighting for Automated tests and Unit tests you must switch the Build Variant to the desired mode.

To run unit tests on your machine:

./gradlew testDebug

To run functional tests on connected devices:

./gradlew connectedAndroidTest

Code style

The project uses a checkstyle plugin to make sure that the code follows our Android code guidelines

To validate the code run:

./gradlew checkstyle


The project can be distributed using either Crashlytics or the Google Play Store.

To do this, set up a local variable $ANDROID_DISTRIBUTION to any of the following values:



Then use the following command e.g. on your CI server:

./gradlew clean checkstyle check connectedAndroidTest assembleRelease $(if [[ $ANDROID_DISTRIBUTION == crashlytics-* ]]; then echo crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease; else echo publishApkRelease; fi )

New project setup

To quickly start a new project from this boilerplate follow the next steps:

  • Download this repository as a zip.
  • Change the package name.
    • Rename packages in main, androidTest and test using Android Studio.
    • In app/build.gradle file, packageName and testInstrumentationRunner.
    • In src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Optionally, in app/build.gradle add the signing config to enable release versions.
  • Optionally, replace Crashlytics API key in AndroidManifest.xml and uncomment Crashlytics lines in AndroidBoilerplateApplication.java and app/build.gradle
  • Create a new git repository, see GitHub tutorial.
  • Replace the example code with your app code following the same architecture.
  • Update proguard-rules.pro to keep models (see TODO in file) and add extra rules to file if needed.