[ECCV 2022] Skeleton-free Pose Transfer for Stylized 3D Characters
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Re-attaching skeleton and weights
#16 opened by tshrjn - 1
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about footskate
#15 opened by luoww1992 - 2
Mixamo Skinning Weight Ground Truth
#13 opened by Jayadratha - 0
wonderful paper
#17 opened by WenjiaWang0312 - 1
Spikes in ground truth meshes
#10 opened by sunshineatnoon - 2
Demo video and motion inputs
#11 opened by jhonsonlaid - 1
Preprocess the RigNet dataset
#12 opened by Kebii - 18
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about vertics of obj
#2 opened by twowwj - 1
Mixamo dataset
#8 opened by mparelli - 2
About training dataset details.
#6 opened by twowwj - 5
reproduced visualization results
#7 opened by twowwj - 2
mixamo data processing
#3 opened by Jiaqi-zhang - 5
how to visualize skinning weight
#1 opened by kwea123