
Config files for https://mpv.io/ | See my modernX fork here: https://github.com/zydezu/modernX

Primary LanguageLua



My personal mpv config.


Releases of the modernX script are in a seperate repository - see here https://github.com/zydezu/ModernX/releases.


Use git clone https://github.com/zydezu/mpvconfig mpv, and place it in the relevant directory. This will be typically located at \%APPDATA%\mpv\ on Windows and ~/.config/mpv/ on Linux/MacOS.

See the Files section in mpv's manual for more information.

Scripts and Associated Keybinds

Please note that many of these scripts have been slightly modified from their initial repositories. Compare the scripts to find the modifications.

Script and description Keybinds
autoload loads files in the directory to play through None
autoloop loops files by default that are smaller than a set duration Ctrl+c - Copy file path or URL to clipboard
Ctrl+v - Paste file path or URL and play it
o - Open file location or URL in browser
modernx a modern OSC for mpv with many additional features x - Cycle through audio tracks
c - Cycle through subtitle tracks
p - Pin or unpin the window
Tab - Show chapter list
For more: See repository
mpvcut allows clipping a segment of a video z - Mark start segment
z (again) - Clip the video
Shift+z - Cancel the clip
a - Change mode (copy, encode, compress)
screenshotfolder saves screenshots to a designated folder s - Take a screenshot
selectformat allows you to change the quality of internet videos on the fly s - Take a screenshot
sponsorblock a fully-featured port of SponsorBlock for mpv See repository
thumbfast show thumbnails when hovering the progress bar None
input.conf an input configuration file - - Decrease subtitle font size
+ - Increase subtitle font size
Scroll wheel - Change volume



  • Changed some configs
  • Added an option for a screenshot button to modernX.lua zydezu/ModernX#40
  • Update screenshotfolder.lua to not include file extensions in folder directories
  • Improved YouTube comment parsing and viewing in modernX.lua




  • Fixed thumbnail being behind OSC text
  • Added selectformat.lua, allowing you to change the quality of internet videos on the fly
  • mpvcut.lua now stops overwriting previously cut files
  • Fixed autoloop not staying disabled over a playlist of files
  • Implement https://github.com/dexeonify/mpv-config/commit/583faf0
  • In modernX, shift+left click on the seekbar now scrubs to the exact position, whilst left click now scrubs to the keyframe position (faster)


  • Prevent downloading comments if the option is disabled on web videos in modernx.lua
  • Stopped auto downloading lyrics on songs in autolyrics.lua
  • Fixed album artist not registering in autolyrics.lua
  • Fixed trying to save lyric files with "/" or "" in their names in autolyrics.lua
  • In modernx.lua album artists and artists (from the file metadata) and now displayed separately, instead of where previously 'artist' would override 'album artist'


  • Fix crashing when no comments are loaded


  • Fix downloading comments for more various YouTube links, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbb40i1khlc&list=WL&index=3


  • Round file size to 1dp
  • Fix downloading comments for YouTube links with ?=


  • Removed cmd flickering when opening downloaded file


  • Add 'o' binding to autoloop.lua to open the file location or url in web browser
  • Tweaked wording on YouTube description
  • Fixed title not loading on videos fetched from a URL
  • Added commas to view, comments, like and dislike counts
  • Fix some old YouTube descriptions breaking line breaking
  • Made '...' in descriptions make grammatical sense
  • Changed default download settings to improve speed and keep the file size approximation accurate
  • Fix for zydezu/ModernX#28
  • Add note about colour formats in the config, how they should be in the format: BBGGRR http://www.tcax.org/docs/ass-specs.htm
  • Improved the comment parsing
  • All YouTube videos should load comments correctly
  • Added pages to comments to not lag out player by rendering them all at once
  • Changed some file approximation tooltip


  • Changed window title loading conditions


  • Added pasting functionality to mpv, you can use Ctrl+V (or the equivalent paste command) to open file paths and URLs, or navigate to timestamps
  • Pressing Ctrl+C will copy the path or URL of the currently playing video
  • Fixed autoload.lua adding out of order playlists when directly accessing a file path
  • YouTube expanded descriptions automatically refresh when more information is loaded
  • Increased chapter/playlist list size (limited_list function)
  • Stopped descriptions beginning with 'A' breaking
  • Made descriptions load and display faster
  • Simplified video descriptions shown under the title - full details can still be seen by clicking
  • Tweaked formatting on audio only metadata (By: Artist - Album -> Artist | Album)
  • Improved zydezu/ModernX#22


  • Added dontsaveonaudio to autoloop.lua, which doesn't save the current position on audio files


  • Changed tick rate
  • Made description font sizes consistent between videos


  • Added descriptionfontsize to modernX
  • Changed default font size in modernX
  • Enable thumbfast on YouTube videos (enabling the network option)

Default font changes on windows

New font v2 New font Old font
newfontfixedmpv newfontmpv oldfontmpv


  • Update default font settings
  • Tweaked dynamictitle in ModernX to be cleaner
  • Added automatickeyframemode and automatickeyframelimit to modernX, resolving zydezu/ModernX#23



  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occured when changing videos in a playlist
  • Fixed playtime showing '-00:00' for a short time upon file load
  • Cleaned up debug messages in the terminal


  • Fixed persistentprogresstoggle changes not showing without mouse movement or OSC showing
  • Removed 'NA' showing up in audio/subtitle tooltips
  • Improved cacheloading on autolyrics.lua



  • Cut scripts I don't use for faster file opening times


  • Fixed downloading not working on a playlist of videos


  • Removed debug code


  • Fix yt descriptions with % crashing modernX
  • Fix command message placement in modernX
  • Made description splitting consistent between online and local videos
  • Added the ability to toggle the persistent progress bar, with the b key, if persistentprogresstoggle is enabled





  • Made switching between web videos in playlists in modernX more seamless, instantly clearing the description
  • Improved the description string splitting functions in modernX


  • Added downloadpath in modernX, fixing zydezu/ModernX#4
  • Fixed CJK characters in video description and uploader name, fixing [#12]
  • Added an experimental toggle to view comments of a video (very unstable)


  • Fixed fetching dislikes via the YouTube Dislike API in modernX and screenshotting in screenshotfolder.lua when viewing YouTube short 'share' links, along with the dynamictitle option
  • Updated dislike formatting and error checking


  • Altered the default yt-dlp settings in modernx.lua to make it work better on more video players, these change be changed with ytdlpQuality
  • Added the updatetitleyoutubestats option in modernx.lua, which when enabled, updates the window/OSC title bar with YouTube video stats (views, likes, dislikes)
  • Implemented cyl0/ModernX#59
  • Added the persistentprogressheight option to modernx.lua, as part of this issue


  • Fixed CJK characters not showing in screenshot folder and file names
  • Implemented persistentprogress and persistentbuffer in modernx.lua 2024-01-12_08-47-05_210_mpv
  • Fixed issue: Seekbarhandle does not hit the end position
  • mpvcut fixed cache saving for certain web videos with specific characters in media names
  • screenshotfolder CJK fix... again
  • autolyrics now loads previously downloaded subtitles instantly, the script is smarter with what to download, using the new option cacheloading
  • In autolyrics filenames are now closer to the track's name, also CJK filenames fix
  • Stopped a crash when switching subtitles at the same time another external track added


  • Added the ability to choose a directory to save clips in (required for web video cache saving), using savedirectory
  • Implemented saving clips from web videos, using the cache in mpvcut.lua based off https://github.com/Sagnac/streamsave



  • Fix a bug with calculating file size



  • Added the dontsaveduration option to autoloop.lua, which doesn't save the position of videos under the specified length, but also doesn't loop them - perfect for short videos under a minute or so
  • Opening the downloaded file's folder now works for other operating systems (this needs testing)
  • Enabled autolyrics.lua functionality for YouTube videos, and .lrc files can now be saved to a specified path
  • Fixed autolyrics.lua on unix systems


  • Fixed this issue - [modernx 0.2.3] The OSC doesn't hide #7... this is because I forgot to finish writing this line...
if (not (state.paused and user_opts.donttimeoutonpause)) then


  • Fixed screenshotting playing YouTube videos screenshotfolder
  • Fixed quality menu for ytdl:// playing videos
  • Edited video info formatting
  • When playing YouTube videos, information like views, likes and dislikes are added to the window title
  • modernx.lua properly respects the raisesubswithosc option


  • Fixed a bug with user_opts.dynamictitle in modernx.lua not properly updating the title when switching video in a playlist
  • Made changes to autolyrics.lua, specifically improving the options.downloadforall feature
  • Updated qualitymenu.lua from its repository to 4.1.1 - 2023-Oct-22


  • Adapted lrc.lua, to automatically download lyrics for songs (with metadata)
  • The description now doesn't prevent you from clicking buttons
  • The description closes properly when navigating files in a playlist
  • Tweaked metadata formatting
  • Fixed a crash in modernx.lua, where some date metadata could cause a crash
  • Fixed description line breaks not working in description metadata of some old youtube videos



  • Added the donttimeoutonpause option, which when enabled, doesn't hide the osc whilst hovering over it, when paused.
  • Changed filename formats when cutting a video



  • Tweaked some config scripts
  • Videos that auto loop ignore save-position-on-quit, so always play from the start, this option can be configured in script-opts/autoloop.conf as playfromstart=false (to disable)
  • Replaced mpvcut.lua with a heavily modified one from https://github.com/familyfriendlymikey/mpv-cut, that should provide faster compression
  • More consistant code


  • Added a dislike counter (under the description) for supported YouTube videos
  • Made improvements to the formatting of the description/clickable description - especially with web videos
  • Additionally date formatting is now an option user_opts.dateformat "An image of KOMM SUSSER TODs date" An image of KOMM SUSSER TODs, with date, like count and dislike count


  • Added the keybind CTRL/Shift + left/right to jump to the previous/next chapters
  • Changed compact mode key bindings, right clicking now goes to the previous/next chapter, shift clicking now jumps backward/forwards a minute
  • Made OSC timing out smarter
  • Fixed the issue: Mute button not working as expected #5
  • Fixed a crash when pressing Shift on the playlist buttons


  • Fixed virtual title bar when toggling border/pinning


  • Added shadertoggle.lua
  • Fixed a bug that would crash the ModernX OSC


  • Fixed a small download bug


  • Fixed UI not scaling properly on mpv.net

2023-08-12 (Part 2)

  • Fixed download location on unix systems
  • Added more keybinds (X and C for cycling audio and caption tracks)
  • Fixed long metadata lag
  • Fixed subtitles sometimes showing in the wrong position when toggling window pinning or fullscreen
  • OSC shows up when using keybinds (Shift + < or Shift + >) to change playlist items
  • Fixed a crash when dragging the seekbar quickly to the end, and the next video immidiately playing


  • Added an option to change the font size of the time text
  • Screenshotting now renders subtitles at the correct position, even when OSC is showing
  • Pressing P will now pin the window
  • Changed download filename formatting
  • Removed some unused settings,
  • Improved the dynamictitle setting as it now incorporates file metadata


  • Bug fixes


  • Fixed m3u files crashing modernX.lua


  • Fixed long descriptions lagging the player
  • Added a scrolling description box


  • Added an approximate download size to the download button


  • Revamped settings


  • Tweaked description error handling


  • Fixed pasting some links


  • Updated the autoload script


  • Fixed broken icons on some systems
  • Fixed some bugs


  • Changed screenshot and download file destinations


  • Fixed some bugs


  • Added a download icon on web videos


  • Updated some scripts


  • Fixed subtitle positioning when OSC is shown on different resolutions


  • Added an option for round icons


  • Slightly tweaked settings


  • Added an osc message on screenshot
  • Slightly changed file path and duplicate screenshots
  • Optimised code
  • Increased OSC message duration
  • Tweaked the quality menu
  • Quality menu now works with ytdl:// links
  • Added a keybind to toggle shaders (temporary)
  • Added a dynamic title option to ModernX, change the title depending on if {media-title} and {filename} differ (like with playing urls, audio or some media)
  • Taking multiple screenshots in a second (with timestamp) mode on will now save them all without error


  • Tweaked some settings


  • Tweaked some code


  • Tweaked some configuration files


  • Revamped 'mpv.conf'
  • Created screenshotfolder.lua, saving screenshots in ~~desktop/mpv/[filename]
  • Created input.conf, and added the quality menu to it


  • Added the 'thumbnailborder' and 'raisesubswithosc' options


  • Changed config file
  • Changed hover behaviour
  • Reduced flickering
  • Fixed a debug message showing


  • Add window title to borderless and fullscreen mode


  • Fixed some bugs with icons


  • Added ability to hide pin window button
  • Changed some phrasing
  • If titlebar isn't showing, OSC will now show when the mouse is at the window buttons
  • Tooltips now always stay on the screen
  • Pinning the window will remove the border, unpinning will show it
  • Right clicking the ontop button will not change border status
  • Added sponsorblock.py


  • Added pin window (stay ontop) button
  • Lots of bug fixes


  • Added compact mode
  • Added loop button
  • Added more clicking events
  • Fixed many bugs


  • First fork, added scripts